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WARNING: This chapter contains mentions of abuse. If you are experiencing abuse, verbal or physical, please speak out and get help. Things will get better.

Percy's POV

I laid awake in bed for a while, just staring at the ceiling, a million thoughts running through my head.

First off, Annabeth and I kissed.

We kissed.

Open mouthed.

With my crush.

As you could imagine, I felt like I was floating, but I had to reign myself in so I wouldn't embarrass myself in front of everyone. It felt like someone had been setting fireworks off in my stomach, and my skin tingled where her fingers grazed my neck after grabbing my shirt. I could have kissed her forever if no one had interrupted.

But of course, it was just a meaningless kiss.

At least, that's what Annabeth says.

When we kissed, I could tell how she felt.

And that told me something else.

Annabeth was good at hiding her emotions but I knew her well enough, and I could feel some sort of connection when our lips met, where our skin touched. I felt something there. And I know she did too.

But, if she wanted to forget it, we would forget it, because that's what Annabeth wants.

But is it what I want?

No, not really.

But it didn't matter, because my crush on Annabeth also meant that I respected Annabeth and her wishes.

But I wouldn't forget the kiss; I couldn't. I would just have to pretend as if nothing happened that night. And I would have to try my best.

Secondly, I opened up to Annabeth about Silena. I'll admit, I hadn't thought about Silena much since I became friends with Annabeth. That's because I've been so happy with Annabeth. The happiest that I've been in a while. But hearing Piper tell that story, it triggered memories.

Memories of her and I, that court room, Luke. It reminded me of how much I missed her and how betrayed I had felt by Luke, and how much I was hurting because I loved Silena. I really did. She was my first real love. And then she was taken from me. I went from feeling such intense love to such intense hurt. And it was more than I could handle.

But I didn't tell Annabeth the whole story.

I couldn't yet.

This one would come with time.

It was something about myself that I was ashamed of. Something that I wished I hadn't even thought about. I had tried to keep it buried deep down and it worked so far. But I felt like someone just dug it up again.

Lastly, all of us would be returning to Goode soon. After the suspension, which I had told my mother about. She was a bit mad, but not as mad as she should have been because I was defending myself and Annabeth.

All of us would be eating lunch together, going to classes together. It would be my first big group of friends in a long time. And I didn't know how everyone would react. But, I tried not to think about it or care too much because all that mattered was that I was happy and that my friends were happy. It didn't matter what anyone else thought. I had to remind myself of that everyday so that I wouldn't lose it. High school can be cruel.

But what if they hear the rumors?

They'll probably hate me, and then I'll be alone again.


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