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Once we got to the Farm house he sat down on the steps and patted the spot next to him. "The reason why we can't go to my place is because my Dad is a really strict guy and... Well my mom was human.. And this is why I'm able to feel human emotions, my mom left me with Dad and I haven't seen her since" "I'm so sorry" "It's fine, but here's the thing. Vampires and humans aren't supposed to love each other. My Dad actually forced my mom to stay with him, he raped her and yeah.. That's how I happened, when I was about 2 she left. When we moved here I was told not to follow in my fathers footsteps, I'm not really but I am in a way. I love you and if I told my dad... I don't know what he'll do but I know it's not good" "woah.." "I know It's complicated, I have two options... One is I keep you a secret from my dad.. Or I turn you... But I don't want to put you through that pain.. I'm sorry if this is confusing you" "It's fine... I just never really knew that vampires are like complicated, I just though the things like a stake to the heart and stuff" "well most of that is true, basically anyone would die if they had a stake to the heart" "true... But would it really be a bad thing to turn me?.." "no it wouldn't... But I don't really know how to do it all I know is that it hurts a lot. I have friends that have been turned and they said that it was the worst pain they've ever felt... I don't want to put you through that.." "I mean... If I need to I will" "I'm not going to do it now, I'll have to actually find out how to do it, you can decided if you still want to do it" "okay.." *time skip*

"Do you ever wish you weren't a vampire?" "Sometimes, I mean I can do most human things since I'm half human, but it's pretty cool to be a vampire" he chuckled. "Yeah I bet, you disappeared infromt of me last night" "yeah, I can do that" he said. I blinked and he was gone. "Colby?" I called out. "Yes?" He apeared again. "Cool" I chuckled. "I can do a few other things too" he got up. "Ooo" I chuckled. "Theres this" he snapped and he started floating. "Can you turn into a bat?" "Yeah" he chuckled and poof, there was a cloud of blue smoke and he turned into a bat. He flapped over and landed on my shoulder. "Awe" I smiled. "I'm not cute" his voice was high pitched. "Aweee!" I said. He off my shoulder and poof he chamged back into a human. "That's so cool" I said. "Yeah, it is pretty cool but sucks, I can't really do everything a vampire can do. But I can do this" he said looking around for something. He walked over a picked up a screw? "What are-" he made a big cut on his arm. He groaned a little. "Colby?!" I got up and rushed to him. "Look" he said. There's nothing, not even a scar. "What the fuck?" I said. "Since I feel human emotions I felt the pain but I heal instantly" he said. "Wow" I said looking at his arm again. "Yeah" he said.

~Taylor signing off 👻

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