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Colby's p.o.v

We've been watching movies for like the past three hours and I'm bored but the way (y/n) is curled up on me is the cutest thing ever and I don't want her to get off me. Her laugh is adorable, and whenever she nuzzles her face into my chest just makes me not want to get up. She knows what she's doing. "So when does your mom get back?" I asked. "Not until like 9, or 10 it depends" she said. "Well wanna go out and do something?" I asked. "Like what?" She smiled. "I don't know, I just wanna go on a walk" "Okay" she said sitting up. "I didn't mean now, we can finish the movie" I said. "Yay" she smiled laying back down and cuddling up with me. *time skip*

It was going to rain soon. (Y/n) didn't seem to mind we just went to the woods to this opening and we just messed around and we had a "sword fight" with sticks. *smol time skip*

(Y/n)s p.o.v

There was this really big rock that I would always sit on and read and draw and stuff and we sat on it. Colby was on his phone taking some pictures and I was leaning on him a little watching him. "Baby" he smiled turning the camera. "Oh my god no" I his my face in his arm. "No baby you looked adorable" he said putting his head on mind. "Fine" I showed my face and smiled a little and he took the picture. "Perfect" he smiled. "No" I said. "You look so cute though" he said. "No I don't, I look gross" I said. "Babe stop please" he said. "Sorry.." "Just please stop, I don't like it when you say things like that" "Okay.. Sorry" I said. "Long time no see Colby" I jumped a little as this guy with Brown hair and Green eyes just appeared out of nowhere. "Brennen? Holy shit, I thought you disappeared?" Colby said. "I uh had to lay low for awhile" he said. "For two years?" "Long story okay" he said. "Are you going to introduce me to your lady friend there?" He smirked at me. "This is (y/n) MY girlfriend" he said. "Another one, I see" he chuckled. "Uh yeah" Colby said. "How much you wanna bet it's just going to happen again?" Brennen bit his lip. "Don't you fucking dare" Colby said. "I'm just kidding, believe it or not I actually have a girlfriend too" he said. "Good" Colby put his arm around me pulling me closer. I don't like the way he's looking at me... "So, what are you doing here?" Colby asked. "Oh you know, it's been forever so I just though I'd come bother you for a little, you know catch up and shit" Brennen said. "Just tell me. Where have you been?" Colby asked. "Uh well, fun fact. I was in the underworld for about a year then kinda got kicked out and I've been staying at Jake's" he said. "Okay why were you in the underworld?" "Just visiting some girls, ya know. Kinda uh knocked one up and yeah" he said. "Bro that's like the 7th time now" Colby chuckled. "Yeahhhh, I tried to leave and then turn out her dad was half demon and I got in deep shit and got kicked out" he said. "Shit dude, wrap it before you tap it. You know this" "I know, I know but still I can't help it" he chuckled. *time skip*

So I guess Brennen's a vampire too? He kinda creeps me out... He kept on smirking at me, I don't like him and I'm pretty sure Colby knows that too because he kept his arm around me the whole time he was here. He literally just disappeared after he started walking away. "I'm not letting him touch you" he said in my ear. "Okay..." I said still looking in the direction that Brennen walked off in. I don't know how to explain how I was feeling, I was scared because he reminds me of Harry... But yet I was really couious.. He seems nice I guess but what did he mean by "It's going to happen again"... That's what scares me the most. He's going to try and break us up isn't he?.. "Baby?" Colby waved his hand in front of my face. "Y-yeah?.." I asked. "We should go back, it's not safe anymore" he said. "What do you mean?" I asked as he got up. "He's trying to get into your head... He's done it before and he'll do it again.." He looked down. "But listen to me (y/n)" he looked me in the eyes. "Whatever happens, don't let him do anything to you. Never let me slip your mind please... If I do he's going to pretty much going to brainwash you into thinking I'm the monster" "What? Are you serious? I thought you guys were friends?" I stood up. "He was.. He was one of my best friends. Now he's just a monster, something happened to him and I don't even know what it was... If he get into your head I'm going to lose you, he'll make you his slut. I can't have that happen to you again..." He said caressing my cheek. "I told you I'd protect you, that's what I'm going to do. I'm not losing you.. I won't let him take you too" he kissed me softly. I kissed him back putting my hands on his chest. "Promise me you won't let him get to you" "I won't.. I promise" I said. "I love you (y/n) I really do" he took my hands. "I love you too" I smiled. *time skip*

As soon as we got back it started pouring and every now and then we'd hear thunder from a distance. Great. We went back up to my room after getting something to eat. I changed back into my pajama shorts and kept my hoodie on and laid down. Colby went to the bathroom and I waited for him to get back. I'm so tired and I don't know why. "Colbyyyy" I called out. "Hang on baby" he said back. I nuzzled my face into my pillow and closed my eyes.

Colby's p.o.v

I took off my shirt and kept my sweatpants on and walked back out to see her sleeping. I couldn't help but stare at her in awe. She's perfect, I don't know how many times I'm going to say it but I love her so much, she's so beautiful and adorable and I can't get enough of her. Brennen is literally going to be dead if he tried putting a hand on her, he's just another Harry. He has no respect for women seeing that he's gotten another girl pregnant and left her. He's probably going to do it again to his "girlfriend" whatever. I'm going to kill him if he comes anywhere close to (y/n). I laid next to her wrapping my arm around her waist pulling her closer to me and she instantly nuzzled her face into my chest. "I love you" she said sleepily. "I love you too babygirl" I kissed her head.

~Taylor signing off 👻

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