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We met up with Kat when we got there and we bought the tickets at popcorn and yeah other movie things. We sat in the back and waited for the movie to start. There wasn't that many people, normally when I go there's always so many people and I hate it. Thank god because I'm dying and I don't want to deal with people. Colby had his arm around me as the previews were playing. I laid my head on his shoulder watching them and just waited. *time skip*

When the movie was done we dropped Sam and Kat off and Colby and I were talking about me meeting his dad. "Baby I just... He acted like it was totally fine that you were a human but I know it's not.. But maybe he knows how to turn you?" He said. "I mean maybe.." I said. "But um baby, I need to tell you about something" "yeah?.." I asked. "So.. Sam and I were talking about this earlier and I think I want to try and find away to give up my vampire side" he said. "What? Why?" I asked. "I just think it would be easier if I was just human like you. I don't have to worry about drinking from you or anything. I can finally be normal for once" he said. "But Colbs... What about you know.. Him?" I asked. "Shit You're right.." He sighed. "Sorry.." I said and looked out the window. "Don't be sorry babygirl, I don't even know if I can give up something like this... But if I can I'd really want to" "I mean I get why you want to.. But I thought being a vampire would be kinda cool.." "Baby" he sighed. "You don't want to be" "but you just said that your dad could help us" "I said maybe" "But still... What do you want us to do?" I asked. "I don't know honestly. I'm torn baby. We can try and figure this out ourselves and you know.. Try turning you, or we can all just be human. Live a life I've never gotten to" he said. "I mean it's worth a try..." I looked out the window. "Tell me. What do you want me to do?" He put his hand on my thigh. "I-I don't know either... If there was a way to turn you fully human I feel like...l-like I'm just- I'm going to sound really stupid but.. I just feel like I'm going to lose a part of you that I've learned to love.. You're really different from the other guys Colby. I like that about you" "baby I promise I'm not going to change. I just thought things would be easier if I did this for you" "wouldn't it be easier if you just didn't have to worry about that?.." Okay I feel like I'm going to cry, I fucking love my period. Thanks hormones for making me an emotional Fuck. "It really would" he said. "So... What are you gonna do?" "Nothing at the moment, all we can do it wait" he said. "Okay.." I said. "But think about it, okay? I will too. I won't do anything you don't want me to. I promise" he said and kissed my cheek quickly. "Okay, I will" I smiled a little. "I love you" "I love you too" *smol time skip*

After just driving around for a little longer he dropped me off back home. I'm really tired and decided to go to bed early tonight. That and I know for a fact if I didn't I was going to be a bitch in the morning and Colby doesn't need to deal with me like that. I got dressed into my pajamas. Just his hoodie and some shorts, went to the bathroom. Ya know, changed my pad. Gross. Then came back out and laid down.

C: Hey.. I'm sorry if I made you mad

Y: you didn't, it's okay

C: I'm still sorry

Y: It's okay Colby

C: Okay.. Did you have fun tonight?

Y: I did ❤

C: good ❤

Y: Sorry but I'm gonna go to bed, night I love you

C: I love you too babygirl, sweet dreams see you tomorrow❤

Y: ❤


I smiled and plugged my phone in. I laid back down and curled up with my pillow. Two days till our one month.. Wow I can't believe it honestly. It feels way longer than it has been. I pulled my sleeves up along with the hood and closed my eyes and fell asleep. *time skip*

I groaned waking up to my alarm. "Ugh" I sat up and turned it off. I yawned and got up and went to the bathroom. Oh great I bled through my shorts. Fuck. My. Life. I got in a quick shower and got dressed. I threw on some black jeans and Colby's hoodie and dried my hair. Did it and did my makeup too.

C: Morning babygirl❤

Y: Morning ❤

C: How'd you sleep?

Y: Good, you?

C: good

Y: that's good

C: yeah, I miss you

Y: I miss you too

C: I can't wait for tomorrow baby ❤

Y: neither can I ❤

C: I'm spoiling the fuck out of you ❤

Y: no

C: yes, you deserve it

Y: noooo I don't even know what I'm getting you yet

C: All I want is you, I don't need anything else

Y: but I'll feel bad if I don't get you anything

C: You don't need to

Y: I'm going too

C: No I just want you

Y: if you're getting me things I'm getting you things too

C: fine

Y: Ha

I got my bag and went downstairs. I feel decent today, especially after the shower, but knowing my period I'm going to get awful fucking cramps. Love that. I got a poptart from the kitchen and sat on the couch and ate it while playing around on my phone till Colby texted me. I grabed my bag and went outside. "Hi baby" Colby smiled looking up from his phone. "Hi" I smiled and hugged him. "You look adorable" he kissed me. "Thanks" I blushed. *time skip*

We went our separate ways to our lockers and I was at mine on my phone. "Excuse me" I looked up to see this guy. "Oh sorry" I moved my locker door since I guess he locker was right next to mine. Hmm. He looks familiar. "(Y/n)?" He asked. "Yeah?.." I asked. "Oh my god, dude it's me Mike" he smiled. "Oh my god, dude it's been years" I said and hugged him. "I know" he chuckled and hugged me back. "Holy shit you've changed so much" I chuckled letting go. "So have you" he said. "Well it's been what? Four years?" I asked. "Yeah you moved away in the 8th grade, I didn't think you'd come back" I chuckled. "Well I did" he chuckled.

Colby's p.o.v

Who the fuck is that? I came up behind her and wrapped my arms around her and kissed her neck making her jump. "Oh my god don't do that" she said. "Sorry baby I didn't mean to scare you" I chuckled. "Colby, this is Mike, Mike this is Colby, my boyfriend" she smiled. "Nice to meet you" he smiled. "You too" I said. "Mike and I use to be best friends in the 8th grade before me moved" she said. "Yep" he said. Okay dude I don't like you already. "Wait, remember Mr. Lott and how he'd get so mad when we threw paper airplanes all the time?" She asked "Remember when he literally moved my desk away from you and Lexie so I was staring at the wall?" He laughed. "You just moved it back and he was pissed" she laughed. Okay this isn't awkward at all. "And that one time you literally fell on the floor?" He said. "Oh my god" she laughed. Great now I have to worry about another guy.

~Taylor signing off 👻

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