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When Colby left I had a weird feeling in my chest, I think it's because of all of this... I'm just nervous I guess, like I have no idea what I'm getting into... I don't know if I should be scared or not, I am though... This kinda feels like a dream. I mean wouldn't you think it is? "What's wrong?" I jumped a little, shit I forgot about that. 'Nothings wrong' "you do remember I can read your mind right?" 'I forgot... I'm still trying to get use to this' "we don't have to talk like this if you don't want to" 'Can we text?' "Of course Babe"

C: now please tell me what's wrong?

Y: I'm scared Colby

C: you shouldn't be, everythings going to be okay, I promise

Y: how do you know? You don't know what you're doing

C: Just trust me okay? We're going to find out how to do this

Y: as much as I want to, I do trust you but I don't know I have a weird feeling about this...

C: Babe I promise it's going to be okay, we don't even know when we'll find a way to turn you and Kat, but if you don't want to you don't have to, if you want to stay human it's your choice, I'm not forcing you to do this

Y: But isn't it better if I was turned? You said that Vampires aren't supposed to love humans

C: that's the thing, vampires are supposed to be attractive to other vampires, but I think that because I'm half human I'm attractive to humans but with Sam he's actually felt love with Kat and that's how I feel with you, I love you (y/n) I really do

Y: So, you've never felt this way about other humans?

C: not really You're the only one I've actually felt this way with. My past "relationships" and I say that because I never loved them, I thought I did, yes because I'm half human I get that feeling where you think you love someone but after awhile you realize you don't. I know you've felt that way, but you're the only one that I've wanted to turn

Y: wait, don't you have friends that have been turned? Can't they tell you how it's done?

C: This is where being a vampire fucking sucks. When you're a vampire if you make a promise you can't break it, you can't say anything about it, if you do you vanish, like no on will ever see you again

Y: this makes my head hurt.. Can we not talk about this anymore?

C: okay, I'm sorry

~Taylor signing off 👻

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