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Colby didn't come back till ten minutes later, I had to stay on the roof while they went outside. Colby had to climb up to the roof to get me down and now we're just at the park playing on the playground because yes, we're children. Swings are great. I wish I had Mike's number so he could come hang out, we always use too come here when we were younger. I missed him, I never thought he'd come back but he did and I'm really happy.

Colby's p.o.v

Why the fuck is she thinking about Mike? Okay I'm trying not to be jealous because I know they're friends and shit but I just don't like it. I don't need to lose her, and I'm not going to have this guy take her away from me. I'm a jealous fucking person, I can't help it. "What's wrong?" (Y/n) asked wrapping her arms around me. "I just have a headache" I said looking down at her. "I'm sorry" she put her head on my chest. "It's fine" I hugged her back and kissed her head. "I'm still sorry" she said. "It's okay babe" I smiled. "Okay" she said and squeezed me a little. See I can't be mad at her, She's so cute. It's not her, it's him, I just don't like people that much. I mean I can stan like three people tops, Sam, Kat, and my baby. That's it. *time skip*

(Y/n) had to go home so we walked her to her place. "Bye guys see you tomorrow" She said. "Byeeee" Kat smiled hugging her. "Bye Kat" she hugged her back and then like clinged onto me and I hugged her back "Bye" she said into my chest. "Bye babygirl" I said rubbing her back. She let go and I leaned down and kissed her. "I love you" she said. "I love you too" I smiled as she kissed my cheek. "Bye guys" she said again. "Bye" we said as she went inside and we started walking back to my place.

(Y/n)s p.o.v

I still don't know what to get Colby for tomorrow. He said he was going to spoil me, I don't even know where to begin with this. This is my first time actually celebrating an anniversary, I never got to do that with Harry... I sighed flopping back on my bed and staring up at my ceiling. I can't believe I liked him, I thought he was the best guy ever...wow I was so fucking wrong. I just wish I could go back and warn myself that he was going to hurt me. I soon got lost in my thoughts about everything... "Fuck.." I sniffled covering my eyes with my hands and dragged my hands down my face. "Stop thinking about it" I said and gently smacked my cheek. I shouldn't be thinking about this..again. This will forever be in the back of my fucking head Killing me slowly...I hate the fact that I constantly think it'll happen with Colby...he's not like Harry at all. Colby actually cares about me, Harry did... Then turned into a cold hearted monster.. My vision blurred from my tears and I broke down. I hate myself so much...why did this have to happen?

Colby's p.o.v

C: Baby what's wrong?

I can feel her pain and I hate it so much... It's so sad how anybody can go from being perfectly fine with other people, but the second they get left alone their demons slowly start killing them. She needs me.

Y: I'm fine

C: That's a lie

Y: I'm okay Colby. Everythings fine now

C: You sure?

Y: yes

C: promise?

Y: I promise

C: Good

C: I can't wait till tomorrow babygirl❤

Y: I can't either Colbs ❤

(Y/n)s p.o.v

I still need to get him something. Fuck. Uh... I could just go and buy his chocolate or something, I know I'm going to write a note thingy for him. I don't know how to do any of this so I'm just winging it because that always works. *time skip*

I was just about to go to bed when Colby face timed me. "Hi babe" he smiled. "Hi" I said laying on my stomach cuddling a pillow. "What was wrong earlier?" He asked. "nothing really.. " "Don't lie to me (y/n)" "I was just thinking about stuff..." "And that was?" "Harry.." I mumbled. "What?" He asked. "Harry." I said again. "Why?" "Him and I never really celebrated anything, he wasn't really into it. I just didn't know what to do for you.. I hope you like what I got you" "Baby of course I'll like whatever you got me, and that's why I decided to spoil you" he smiled messing with his hair. "You didn't have too" I smiled. "I needed to" he said. "I guess" I said and yawned.

Colby's p.o.v

After about a half an hour later she fell asleep on facetime. "I love you" I said knowing I wasn't going to get an answer and I ended the call.

C: You fell asleep babe lol, nighty night ❤

C: See you tomorrow 😘

I plugged my phone in and got up and went to the bathroom. I'm tired as fuck I haven't slept for shit in the past two nights. I'm worried, I have this weird feeling and I like don't know who to trust really at the moment. Yeah of course I can trust Sam, Kat and (y/n) it's just because I can't trust Mike. I just don't like how he just came back out of nowhere. I don't like it how he's all buddy buddy with my girlfriend out of all the people. I yawned and ran my fingers through my hair messing with it to make it look decent. Oh whatever I'm going to bed, I'm exhausted.

~Taylor signing off 👻

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