Matching T-shirts?

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Annabeth's POV

"Holy Hades!" I complain, looking at the times for the trains. I'm trying to get to Percy's school to watch his first swim meet but the next train isn't due for another 10 minutes and i'm already running late. The swim meet starts at 11 am and it's already 10:35. I pace, wishing I could speed up time. I haven't seen Percy since school started a month ago and I am anxious to get there. 

He doesn't know i'm coming today, I organized the surprise with Sally. Finally the train pulls in and I settle in for the 30 minute ride. Pulling out one of my favorite architecture books, I get lost in the pages and don't even realize we arrived until the conductor announces it on the intercom. I jump up and disembark as fast as I can, hailing down a cab once i'm outside. 

"Goode high school, please. I'm running late." I tell the driver and he pulls out into the heavy new York traffic. Checking the time again, it's 11:10. We pull up in front and I pay the cab fare quickly. I've never been inside Percy's school so i'm not sure where the meet is being held. I follow a few people in though and they lead me right to where I wanted to go. I spot Sally and Paul in the top bleachers and make my way over to them. 

"Annabeth, you made it! Just in time too, Percy is up next." Sally says, standing up to give me a hug. 

"Just a few minutes late! The stupid train was running late." I explain. Paul gives me a small smile and we settle in to watch the meet. I look around the pool and for some reason there are a bunch of teenage girls sitting in the bleachers closer to the pool, all giggling and messing around. turning my attention away from them, I see Percy come out from the locker room. I inhale, looking at him. He's wearing plain blue swim trunks and nothing else. Percy has always been strong but since joining the team he seems to have gained more muscle. I can see the start of a 6 pack on his abdomen. 

"You're drooling." Sally teases, nudging me with her elbow. I blush, that's not something I really want to hear from my boyfriends mom. Or anyone for that matter. We watch Percy blow everyone out of the running, winning the best time by a long streak. The group of girls all cheered loudly as he swam by. I roll my eyes in their direction. 

"He's such a cheater!" I whisper to Sally, laughing. We both know he would never actually use his powers to help him win but he for sure has an advantage over the other swimmers. When the judges announce Percy won first place, I stand up and yell across too him, earning me a lot of strange looks from the other people on the bleachers, mostly from the group of girls. 


He look up in surprise, scanning the crowd until his eyes meet mine. A wide grin spreads across his face and he winks at me. I have to wait until the presentation is over to go to him. Finally they finish and I jump down the bleachers and run over to him, ignoring the "no running" sign by the pool. I slam into him, not caring that he's still dripping wet. He wraps his arms around me, burying his face in my hair. 

"Wise girl!" He whispers in my ear, giving me a quick kiss under my jaw. He leans away to look at me and notices my shirt. 

"You're wearing my shirt!" He says excitedly. I laugh, nodding. Percy had given me a t-shirt for our anniversary that looks like a sports jersey and has "Jackson" and the number 18 on the back. And of course, it's blue. It was a very sweet gift and I wear it all the time at school. 

"Of course! I needed everyone to know who I was cheering for. Now come on, your mom and Paul are waiting for us." I tell him. He lets go of me but slings his arm around my shoulder so that I have to walk right next to him. We pass by the girls from his little fan club and they're all glaring at me. 

"It seems you have quite the following." I point out to him. He glances over and rolls his eyes. stopping suddenly, he spins me around so that i'm facing him. He cups my face and kisses me, lingering a little longer than he normally would in public. 

"There. Maybe now they will get the message." He says smugly after pulling away. I catch my breath as Sally and Paul reach us. Paul claps Percy on the back and his mom gives him a hug. 

"Great job Percy! Now, how about we go celebrate with some ice cream?" Sally suggests and Percy nods enthusiastically. We wait while he changes into his dry clothes and when he comes out of the locker room, I groan.

"Are you serious? Matching shirts? That looks ridiculous!" I moan at Percy, because he had come out wearing the same shirt as me. He just waggles his eyebrows at me and takes my hand. His parents trail behind us as we walk out of the school. 

"You know you're mom just took a picture of us, right?" I tell Percy, looking up at him. We hear laughter behind us. 

"She knows you too well, Sally!" Paul says to her. We all laugh at that. I'm glad that I was able to come today, it's nice to just be normal for a bit with Percy and his parents. 

Enjoy! Don't forget to vote and leave a comment!



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