I got tagged!

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~For the record, this is the only tag I am going to be doing~

I was tagged by Percabeth_fan22

1-My nickname: Everyone calls me a shortened version of my name but I'd rather stay anonymous on here so all I will say is that it starts with a G

2-Eye color: Brown

3- Hair color: Very dark brown

4-One fact about me: I am an really fast reader. I can read about 500 words per minute. I once finished a 850 page book in one night.

5- Favorite color: Robins egg blue

6- Favorite place: I don't really know. I guess my favorite place would have to be my room.

7- Favorite celebrity: Lol this changes all the time. Currently it is Blake Lively.

8- Favorite song: This is hard! I have a lot of songs on my playlist. Right now it is probably any song off of Trench by tøp (Morph is my fave though)

9-Favorite animal: Seahorses

10-Favorite book: I've read so many it's hard to say. My favorite series (outside of HP and PJO/HoO) is the unwind dystology.

I tag whoever wants to do this!

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