Coach is going to.....

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This is a scene from Mark of Athena that was originally told from Percy's POV but I wrote it out from Frank's here since he was the one that found them! All original dialogue belongs to Rick Riordian!

Frank's POV

" are in so much trouble." I say, my eyes going wide at the sight of them.

Finding Percy and Annabeth asleep together was not what I was expecting when we started looking for them.

Flashback to 15 minutes earlier

"Rise and shine, cupcakes!" Coach Hedge yelled down the hall, banging his club on everyone's doors before pushing them open. I groan and rub my eyes sleepily while coach continues his wake up call.

"What in the name of Pan is going on here?" I hear coach yell and I jump up to join everyone else in the hall.

"What's happening?" Hazel yawns, still in her pajamas. I feel my heart flutter when I look down at her.

"Chase and Jackson are what's happening! Neither of them are in their rooms!" Coach Hedge barks, or rather, bleats out.

Jason's face pales, Leo starts pulling random things out of his tool belt and Piper seems to be fighting a smile. Hazel looks up at me in concern and I can't help but blush. Why do I seem to be a puddle of nerves when it comes to her?

"What are you all doing standing around? Go look for them!" Coach orders and we all scatter. The Argo II is a big ship, there are a dozen places they could be. I still don't know my way around everything. They could be anywhere. Unless they were taken. OK Frank, don't go there.

I took the bottom level, while Leo took the control room. Jason is flying around the whole ship, and Piper and Hazel are checking the common areas. They aren't in the bathroom, though I don't check the girls.

"Percy? Annabeth?" I call. Neither one of them answer. I start to panic just as I reach the stables and feel a rush of relief when I spot them on the floor. I look closer and take in their position.

They are both still asleep, Annabeth is curled up in Percy's arms and one of her legs is stretched over his. I feel my face go red. Percy yawns and blinks his eyes.

" are in so much trouble." I say, my eyes going wide at the sight of them.

"What......?" Percy rubs his eyes. "Oh, we just fell asleep."

I swallow, not sure if I belive him. I can't look at them without going red so I stare at the ceiling instead.

"Everyone thinks you've been kidnapped." I say "We've been scouring the ship. When coach Hedge finds out- oh gods, have you been here all night?" The thought of them alone all night dawns on me.

"Frank!" Annabeth snaps, realizing what I'm thinking. Her ears are bright red.

"We just came down here to talk. We fell asleep. Accidentally. That's it." She seems just as embarrassed as I am.

"Kissed a couple of times." Percy says. Oh gods. Annabeth glares at him. How Percy isn't afraid of her, I have no idea. I barely know Annabeth and she scares me.

"Not helping!" She tells him.

"We better..." I point to the stable doors. "Uh, we're supposed to meet for breakfast. Would you explain what you did- I mean didn't do? I mean....I really don't want that faun- I mean saytr- to kill me." I stutter. Coach Hedge scares me more than Annabeth. I can't think of anything else to say, so I run out of the stables. I'm pretty sure you can cook an egg on my face right now.

Don't hate me for this but I'm going to be honest, Frazel is not my favorite ship! I love both characters outside of it but the age difference makes me uncomfortable. :| I know that the whole relationship is so innocent because that's just how the two characters are but I can't help but think about how the age difference will become more of an issue the older they get! Sorry not sorry haha.

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