I Call A Rematch

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"You didn't see me!" A sprinting Travis calls at me, zipping past as I walk out of my cabin. I shake my head, he must have done something stupid to be running like that. I continue on, keeping an eye out for Percy. He owes me a rematch of last night's spar, which he barely won.

"Hey, have you seen Percy?" I ask a passing Katie, who has a cross look on her face, along with what looks like green paint?

"Last time I saw him he was hanging out in the arena. Have you seen Travis? I need to murder him." She says matter-of-factly.

"I saw him run down to the Hermes cabin, I assume it was away from you?" I tell her, pointing in the direction behind me.

"Yes. Excuse me, my hands are itching to be around his neck." She says, stalking past.

"Let me know if you need help hiding the body!" I call over my shoulder. Those two are always at each other's neck. I can tell that Travis has a thing for Katie, he's just too scared of her to do anything about it. I pass everyone going about their normal activities, it's just a regular day here at camp. The temperature isn't too sticky, but the sun is warm enough for me to have sweat gathering under my neck. An arrow goes right past my face, narrowly missing my ear. I whip around to find the source and see an apologetic Will coming towards me.

"Sorry, Annabeth! New camper is trying out weapons. Pretty sure a bow is not for her." He says.

"Maybe not." I agree, and give him a wave as I move on. The training arena is just in front of me now. I pull open the door and head in. There's a few campers practicing on dummies and I spot Percy by one of them, talking to some girl I don't recognize. An irrational surge of jealousy hits me, and I try to remind myself that I have nothing to be jealous of. Percy is just my friend. He demonstrates a defensive swing with Riptide, and I watch as he goes from my harmless little fish lover to a merciless monster slayer. The dummy now lay in pieces in front of them.

"Gods, Percy. What did the dummy ever do to you?" I call, heading over to him. He looks up at my voice and flashes me a lazy smile. I inhale sharply, my heart rate accelerating.  I am not supposed to be feeling this way about my best friend.

"Hey, Bethy. Come for another round of me kicking your butt?" He goads. I glare at him, he knows better than to call me that.

"You know I hate that." I say.

"Exactly why I said it, Wise Girl. I would think that you would know better than to tell someone that you hate something, because that is just going to make them want to do it more often." He points out. He has a point.

"I'm here for my rematch but it's not going to end the way you want it to!" I say in a sing-song voice.

"Trust me, it's definitely not going to end the way I want it to." He mumbles, and I'm not sure if he meant for me to hear it or not. I just happen to have exceptional hearing.

"Just let me get something real quick." He says, holding up a finger and then dashing out of the arena. Baffled, I shake it off and get ready to spar with him. I pull my dagger out from my waistband and polish it with the bottom of my shirt. The girl Percy was talking to when I walked in says something but I don't hear her the first time.

"Sorry, were you saying something?" I ask her. She's no younger than I, and I can immediately tell she's in cabin 10.

"I asked if Percy is your boyfriend." She repeats.

"What!? No!! What gave you that idea!?" I sputter out, my ears turning red.

"Just the way you look at him. And the way you talk to each other." She gives an all-knowing smile.

"NO. He's my best friend, that's all." I insist.

"Mkay." Is all she says. Percy comes back in, fully decked out in greek armor.

"What the Hades? Do you think I'm going to kill you or something?" I ask, gesturing to his getup.

"Nah, this is to make it harder to beat me. I'm like 50 pounds heavier with this on, try kicking me over now!" Percy says triumphantly. I smile, because two can play at that game.

"Fine! Then I get to deploy a little secret weapon of my own." I reach up, taking the hair band that is around my wrist and twisting my hair up in a bun. I know for a fact that Percy has a weakness when it comes to the back of my neck. He'd accidentally let it slip one time when I had my hair up, though he promptly turned bright red afterwards and didn't speak to me for three days. It works though because his face pales slightly, replaced a second later with a look of determination.

"Ready, then?" He asks, holding his sword up. I nod, and we get right into it. I start off with a well aimed kick to his knee, but he blocks it. I need to catch him off guard. My dagger comes within an inch of his cheek and his eyes widen. Metal clashes against metal as he blocks my knife with the hilt of riptide. I elbow him, hitting right where the armor ends and he winces, but remains upright. Suddenly, I kick forward, hitting him right in the chest. He falls right on his butt, winded. I finish it off by kicking him again, forcing him on his back. He pants, as I lean over and point my dagger at his throat.

"I win." I say smugly. I think he forgot that I've been training in armor and against armor since I was 7 years old, and an extra 50 pounds doesn't mean much when you have the force of gravity on your side.

"I call a rematch." He says, sitting up. I didn't have any time to move back though and his face is less than 6 inches from mine now. My heart is beating so fast that I'm surprised he can't hear it.

"This WAS a rematch." I remind him. I become aware that there are a significant amount of campers watching us, and clamber to my feet, feeling embarrassed. I hope my face isn't as red as I think it is. I stick my knife in my back pocket and head out of the arena, needing some fresh air.

"Nicely played, Wise Girl." Percy says, joining me outside.

"Do you think that people who don't know us think that we're a couple?" I ask him after a few minutes of silence. What that girl asked, if Percy was my boyfriend, has been bothering me.

"I think the real question is, do you want them too?" He asks, catching me by surprise.

"What do you mean by that?" I frown, turning to face him. He answers me with a kiss, and I'm too shocked to respond.

"Figure it out and let me know." He says, with a smirk and then he walks away. I stand in a daze, feeling my lips.

"Percy Jackson! Come back here!" I call after him.

"Don't you walk away from me!"" I yell when he doesn't respond.

"I call a rematch!"

Been a while since I wrote any pre-Percabeth!

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