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"I am a goddess, you cannot kill me, boy."

"I have no reason to fear the gods anymore." He roared. His entire body shook with rage. His vision was blurred at the edges, red and white spots danced across his eyes.

It was all for nothing. Everything had been for nothing.

Because at the end of the day, she was still dead. And he blamed the gods. The sword in his hand felt heavier with the weight of what felt like the world on his shoulders. The thought of having to live another day without her seemed impossible. Someone had to pay. Someone WOULD pay.

"You don't really think that you'll be successful in your quest for revenge, do you? Need I remind you of the countless times I saved your life?" The cold goddess sneered down at him.

He laughed maniacally. Anyone listening would have thought him insane. Which he was, in a sense.

"Don't you mean the countless times you nearly killed me? Or my family? My friends? You're a selfish and unemotional bitch who doesn't care whose life you destroy as long as it serves you in the end!" The words bounced around the large room as those watching ceased their whispers. A few smiles found their way through, mostly those who'd been waiting for this to happen.

The clash of celestial bronze against a goddess's skin was heard throughout Olympus.

The hero's soul, cursed blade shall reap

A single choice shall end his days

Lol this is just a little random thing I wrote last night. Was prompted by something I saw on Instagram. Not really much of an update, but really the best I got right now.

Hope you enjoyed it! Don't forget to vote and leave a comment!



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