Could He Be The One?

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This is Percy and Annabeth seeing each other for the first time! It's originally told from Percy's POV so we get to read about his reaction to her but this is from Annabeth's! All original dialogue belongs to Rick Riordian. 

Chiron and I are sitting in his office in the big house, I'm watching while Chiron is pacing. Apparently he got a call from Grover about a demigod that Chiron had been out to observe practically all year. I keep hearing him muttering to himself about the oath and the prophecy. The prophecy I know nothing about. Or at least that's what the others think. All I know is that I have to wait for someone special to come to camp before I can get a quest. And let me tell you, I'm tired of waiting. All the previous new campers have been disappointingly normal. For a demigod, at least. 

All of a sudden, there's a loud noise out on the porch. Chiron and I both rush out and I see Grover passed out, the young boy who is holding on to him is not far from doing the same. I can't see him very well in the darkness out here, despite the porch lights. He has crazy black hair and from what little I can see of his eyes, they're green. He's looking up at the both of us and I catch his eye. I don't know what made me say it but something about this kid... I bet he's the one I've been waiting for. 

"He's the one, he must be."

"Silence, Annabeth." Chiron hushes me. "He's still conscious. Bring him inside." 

With Chiron's words, the kids eyes droop and he passes out on top of Grover. I grab under his armpits and drag him inside the big house. He's surprisingly light. I prop him up on one of the beds in the entrance and that's when I spot the Minotaur horn in his hand. Seeing as he's unconscious and won't know, I take it and look it over. It appears to have been snapped clean off. I look back over at the sleeping kid and wonder what's so special about him that he could have defeated the Minotaur without any weapons or training? Somebody brings Grover in as well but I'm too busy in my own thoughts to pay much attention. 

Now that we are in the lit room, I can see him better. He's average looking, though he doesn't look very athletic. He's probably around my age, 12-13. I try to imagine all the gods and picture which one he looks the most like. Since I don't know whether it's his mom or dad, there's a lot to go through. The only one I can really see is Poseidon but I really doubt it. If he's a big three spawn, it's most likely Zeus. 

"Annabeth, dear child. He will be safe here tonight. Go to your cabin, get some sleep. You can come back in the morning." Chiron says, coming up behind me in his chair. He rests a hand on my shoulder and I look up to see him looking at the new kid with an odd glint in his eyes. Like he knows something about him that's troubling him. 

"He's a big three child, right?" I ask and I can tell right away that my intuition is right. Chiron doesn't say anything but his face gives him away. I get up and head out the door. I look back before slipping out into the dark and for some reason I smile. I think life around camp is about to get a whole lot more interesting. 

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