Took You Long Enough

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I lie awake on my bunk, tracing shapes on the wood ceiling. The war is finally over and I managed not to die. Best of all, I finally kissed Annabeth. I'm not totally sure what is going on between us though. Are we together? Should I kiss her again? I've been tossing and turning all night, unable to sleep. I keep feeling my lips, almost still able to feel the faint tingling from when our lips connected. The sun, or Apollo, is finally peeking though and it's nearly time for breakfast. I have no clue what to say to her. After lying for another 15 minutes trying to think of a conversation starter, I've got nothing.

Sighing, I roll out of bed and grab the last remaining clean shirt I have off the floor. At least, I'm pretty sure it's clean. Time to face the music. I open up the door to my cabin and there stands Annabeth, her hand up like she was about to knock.

"Oh, I wasn't sure if you were awake." She says, dropping her arm. We both stand here awkwardly, not sure how to begin. I open my mouth, and shut it again about 5 times.

"Did you sleep last night?" She starts.

"Not really. I kept tossing and turning....a lot on my mind." I admit, not meeting her eyes.

"Me too. Maybe we should talk about yesterday." She suggests and I nod. I close the door to my cabin and we start walking towards the pavilion. Camp rules are a little stretched right now, there's so many campers that are recovering and everyone is a little scattered. Annabeth has her arms wrapped around herself and I have a sudden urge to pull her close. If living in this world has taught me anything, it's that crazy happens and there's not much you can do to stop it.

There's hardly anyone at the tables, a few campers here and there and Chiron is nowhere to be seen. I figure that nobody will care at this moment and gesture for Annabeth to sit down at my table next to me. She sits fairly close, her thigh almost touching mine. My stomach is full of butterflies.

"I don't know about you, but I'm not very hungry. I can't get the images from the war out of my head." Annabeth says in a small voice and I feel a flash of anger. We are just kids, stuck in a world we don't belong in. It's not fair, for Annabeth and for Luke, and for all the others that were forced to fight for the Gods. I look down at the ground.

"Me either." I say. The sun makes it's way up slowly, the light filtering through the trees and creating little rays across the yard. As the camp wakes up, more kids join us but the atmosphere is subdued. We are all feeling the losses. Annabeth stands up, not having eaten anything. She holds her hand out to me.

"Come on." I take her hand and she leads me away from everyone. We end up on the beach, probably my favorite place here. It's so quiet. She sits down close to the surf and I plop down next to her. We're still holding hands and it feels nice. I take a deep breath, tasting the salty air from the lake.

"I know you kissed me yesterday, but does that mean you want to be more than friends?" I ask her, taking the plunge. She looks at me and rolls her eyes.

"You really are a seaweed brain. Yes, Percy." She says. My heart flutters and I can't help but smile.

"Annabeth Chase, will you be my girlfriend?" I ask her. She laughs and nods. My heart soars and the weight that had been on my chest all night lifts. I feel like I can breathe again.

"Took you long enough to ask." She says and she scoots closer, resting her head on my arm. We dig our toes into the sand and sit together for a bit. Too soon though, we hear footsteps behind us. Grover appears in our line of view and he sits down next to us. For the first time in a while, the three of us are together, just like the beginning.

"So are you two official now?" Grover asks the two of us. We both nod and he lets out a large sigh of relief.

"About time. You know, you would be very interested to know the emotions I could sense from Percy when he was around you." He tells Annabeth. Oh dear gods. I shove him playfully, though I give him a warning look. Annabeth does NOT need to know anything about what he has to say.

"I should go find Juniper. She worries." Grover says and we bump fists before he leaves us. I look down and find Annabeth staring up at me.

"What?" I ask her curiously.

"Nothing." She says hastily. I know her, she has something on her mind.

"Come on, what is it?" I ask again. A rosy blush is creeping up on her face. Annabeth never blushes.

"It's just, I kinda want to kiss you again." She says.

"Well, what's stopping you?" I ask, grinning like a mad man. She rolls her eyes again, I swear that's like her second language, and rests her hand on my neck.

"Nothing now." She smiles and pulls my face down to hers. When our lips touch, it feels like an electric shock. I can't help but feel nothing but bliss, despite not knowing what lay in our future.

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