Flower Crowns

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"Annabeth! Hey, Annabeth!"

I turn around at the sound of Percy calling my name and see him running like a crazy person towards me. He skids to a stop next to the table where I am working and leans over, resting his hands on his knees and catching his breath.

"What?" I ask. Clearly he has something important to share.

"Need to show you something." He says and he grabs my hand. We start back in the direction from which he came and I resist his tugging on my arm, preferring not to run. They say patience is a virtue, and I can tell you that that is one virtue Percy is missing. Though it is pretty adorable how excited he is. Whatever he has to show me must be pretty awesome.

We come to a clearing close to the beach where there is somewhat of a hidden picnic table. The table is covered in flowers, and surrounding it are many of the girl campers. I see Juniper, Piper, Lacy, Katie, Calypso, and for some reason, Leo. They seem to be making what look like...actually I'm not totally sure what they're making.

"You dragged me all the way over here to share that you and Leo secretly like doing girly projects?" I ask, amused. He rolls his eyes at my ribbing.

"Close your eyes." Percy instructs and I do what he asks, although a bit apprehensive. I hear a few giggles and I raise my eyebrows. Hearing giggles while you're standing with your eyes closed is never a good sign. Especially with Leo present.

"Hold out your hand." I hear Percy say and when I do, he places something in it.

"Can I open my eyes now?" I ask and he says it's OK. I open my eyes and look down at what he handed me. To my surprise, it's a delicate laurel-style crown made out of simple white flowers.

"Did you make this?" I ask, my eyes wide. I hold it closer to my face and take in all the details. There are more than meets the eye, I see all the small wires holding it together and there are tiny green leaves hidden in just the right spots.

"I had a little help." Percy admits, rubbing the back of his neck. I sigh, because this is exactly one of the reasons I fell in love with him. He does all these little things and puts so much effort in just trying to make me happy. He succeeds 98% of the time too.

"Do you like it?" He asks nervously, judging my reaction. The girls (and Leo) behind him are smiling and waiting for me to respond. Well, Leo is hopping up and down and making a monkey face. Only he could pull something like that off.

"I love it! What made you decide to make me one though?" I tell him and his face visibly relaxes and he smiles broadly at me.

"Leo and I were looking for some spare metal parts in the woods from past battles and games to melt down and we found the girls here. Katie was showing off one that she had finally finished and I just thought that you needed one." Percy explains and as he does so he takes the crown from my hand and places it on my head. It's the perfect size, not bulky or really wide so that I can barely tell it's on.

"There. Now you look the part too." He says proudly and I give him a questioning look.

"You're already my queen, the crown just completes the look." He gushes and I blush slightly. I really wish we didn't have an audience.

"Awe Percy, that was so sweet!" Lacy squeals and he seems to remember that we aren't alone. I reach up and kiss his cheek.

"You'll get a real kiss later when there isn't a crowd watching." I whisper in his ear before I pull away.

"That's never stopped us before." He grins mischievously and before I can even process what he said, he pulls me into a deep kiss. I vaguely hear Leo wolf whistle and I just melt into the kiss. When we finally break apart, everyone is smiling at us, though Piper is looking at her nails instead, a bored look on her face. I have to get back to the project I'd been working on before Percy dragged me away and I give him another quick kiss before I go. Piper winks at me as I pass her and I just shake my head, a large smile making it's way across my face.

Two updates in one day, whatttt?! Just wanted to let all my readers know that when this story hits 5k reads, I'm going to be posting a short story on here, an extended one shot that I've been working on for weeks!

Ugh this one just gives me major Percabeth feels. I love writing this level of fluff.

Hope you enjoyed it! Don't forget to vote and leave a comment!



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