Have you seen the lovebirds?

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 (set right after Blood of Olympus, this is before the Romans go back to camp Jupiter)

Piper's POV

I walk hand in hand with Jason, watching everyone around us. Camp is still recovering from the fight with Gaea and it will take a while before it's going to be back to normal. But for now everyone is just focusing on getting to know the Romans. Despite wanting to hate them, they're not that bad. Mostly I'm just glad for their help, we would not have won without them. I hear running footsteps behind us and Frank and Hazel join us. 

"Hey, have you guys seen Percy and Annabeth? We are all supposed to meet for lunch since we leave this evening but nobody has seen them all morning." Hazel asks us, her face scrunched with worry. 

"They're still recovering from being in Tartarus. I would assume that they don't want to be around others right now, since nobody can really sympathize with what they went through." Jason contemplates. I snort and the three of them look at me quizzically. 

"Please, they're probably off making out somewhere. Gods know they need that right now. Between coach Hedge, Tartarus, and the war, they didn't get that much of a reunion after being apart for so long." I explain. Jason gives a small smile and Hazel's face goes a little red. It's easy to forget she's so young and uncomfortable with talking about those things. Reyna and Nico join us right then. Nico is clearly a little uncomfortable with being around all of us still. I manage a small smile towards Reyna. 

"Where are the lovebirds? Lunch is in like 10 minutes. Aren't we supposed to eat together?" Reyna asks, surveying the group. She still kinda freaks me out, not the whole Jason thing but the fact that she's just so confident and intimidating. 

"We were literally just wondering that. Jason said they probably don't want to be around others right now because of the whole Tartarus ordeal." Frank tells her. 

"Or what I said. Which is more likely." I point out. 

"Let's go look for them." Jason suggests, tugging on my hand to the cabins. We all trudge towards Percy's cabin and Jason goes to open the door. 

"I would knock first." I say, shrugging. Jason obliges and raps loudly.

"Percy? You in here?" Frank calls. There's no answer and the cabin is empty when we walk in. 

"Huh. They could be at the beach?" Hazel suggests. We all nod and head to the beach. There are a bunch of campers and romans hanging out but no Percy and Annabeth.

Let's check the stables" I suggest, knowing that Percy has an affliction with the pegasi. The stables are on the other side of the beach and by the time we reach it, all of us are sweating a little. Except Reyna. I doubt that girl could even break a sweat. I walk in first and our two friends are fast asleep in a pile of hay. I poke my head out and make a shushing motion before beckoning everyone else in. We surround the sleeping couple, who are curled up together so tightly that an earthquake could happen and they would stay holding each other. 

"Why do I keep finding them asleep in the stables?" Frank whispers, though not quietly enough and Percy and Annabeth stir. They both blink up at us, not comprehending what's happening. 

"Hey sleepyheads, why are you in the stables?" Jason asks them. I elbow him in the arm, clearly this boy needs to work on his tact. Annabeth sits up, stiffling a yawn. 

"Neither of us slept last night and this was the only place quiet enough to take a nap." She explains, now glaring at us. Annabeth is definitely a grumpy person when she wakes up. 

"Hey, Jason was the one who suggested we go look for you. It's nearly lunch time." I say, holding my hands up in my defense. Jason rolls his eyes at me. Percy jumps up at the mention of food and looks wide awake. 

"Yes, lunch! Come on wise girl, I'm starved." Percy whines, looking at Annabeth who is still sitting in the hay. Annabeth gets up, grumbling something under her breathe and we all file out of the stables. I feel a twinge of sadness about how Leo should be here with us as I look around my friends but I can feel in my heart that he's still out there. 

Sorry the ending there kinda sucked, I wrote this at 1 am and was falling asleep finishing it! 

Hope you enjoyed it! Don't forget to vote and leave a comment!



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