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Annabeth's POV

I unpack the last of my boxes, which contained my books. I wish I could have brought more of them, but seeing as I have to share my dorm with someone, I have limited space. My room mate, Becca, still hasn't arrived, so her sizeof the dorm is still bare. I am pretty much all done, just have to finish my bookshelf. I hear a knock on the door, and Percy walks in.

"Hey wise girl, how's it coming?" He asks, wrapping his arms around me, pressing his body into my back. Leaning back in to him, I smile.

"I'm almost done! I'm still waiting on my room mate though. Wonder what's keeping her?" I answer.

"I don't know wise girl,but I kinda hope she never shows up. That way I don't have to share you." Percy mumbles, kissing my neck. I have to laugh at that, Percy is so possessive. In a good way though.

"I know, but I have to share you so suck it up." I huff at him, pretending to be annoyed. Percy sees right through me, and instead turns me around. Knowing what he wants to do, I beat him to it and reach up to give him a kiss, intending on it being quick. Percy grabs my face though and deepens it, enough to make me gasp for air when he pulls away.

"Catch ya later, wise girl." He gives me a megawatt smile and walks out of my dorm.

Still trying to catch my breath, I turn back to my books.

Becca's POV

It's bad enough my parents are making me attend college, they won't even allow me to leave new Rome to do it. They're so paranoid, even though I'm only a legacy and my scent is so small. Now, I am running late for freshman orientation, and I can't find my dorm room. Not to mention, nobody was around to help me with my bags, so I'm stuck dragging them all with me, looking like a lost fool.

Finally, I find the right hall. I leave my bags at the front area, and walk down to find the room. There is only one other person in the hall, and he's walking my way. As he gets closer, I notice how incredibly attractive he is.His hair is really dark and it looks like he never brushes it. His eyes are an unusual color, a brilliant sea green. Not to mention he's really, really tan. He smiles at me as we pass each other. Trying to get him out of my mind, I walk into my dorm room. Surprisingly it'snot empty.

Holy books,  I thought. There are books everywhere on one side of the room.Standing there, is a tall blonde. First thing I notice about her are her eyes. They're a really intense gray and they are staring right at me. Getting a sudden feeling that she's going to hurt me, I step back. But then she smiles and holds out her hand.

"Hi, I'm Annabeth. You must be becca." She says, very matter of fact.

"Yep, that's me" I reply. I wish my voice sounds more steady. I don't want Annabeth thinking she intimidates me, even though she does.

"Who's your parentage?"she asks me, as she turns back to organizing her bookshelf. I take in the dorm. It's a decent size.

"Great granddaughter of mars. You?" I tell her, plopping on the bed.

"Daughter of Athena. Minerva, to you. I know, maiden goddess. Athena is too technically,since all her children are brain children." Annabeth explains, not even bothering to look at me.

"Are you not going to the freshman orientation?" I ask her, knowing that I'm missing it as well.

"Nope." She doesn't even sound worried.

I need to grab my stuff, so I told Annabeth I'd be back and walk back to the front entrance of the dorms. I see someone lounging in one of the chairs near a vending machine. It's the same guy from the hallway earlier. He smiles again as I walk in. oh gods, was he waiting here for me? I push that thought away. It's ridiculous.

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