If I cared

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Percy's POV

It's  clear night, a rare calm moment on the Argo II. Everyone has finished dinner and gone off to do their own things while they have the chance. Coach Hedge is manning the wheel with Leo so I am taking advantage of the lack of supervision to sneak into Annabeth's room. Ever since returning from Tartarus, I have had a hard time being away from her. But of course Coach is hell bent on keeping us apart (pun intended)

Looking out onto the deck, I don't see anyone in sight. Closing my door as quietly as I can, I carefully walk down to Annabeth's door. Funny how our rooms are on the opposite ends, so I have to walk past everyone else's room to get to hers. I can hear the TV on in Piper's room, probably some girly show. Jason has music playing. Hazel's door is open but she' reading and doesn't look up as I pass. There's a small dog curled up on her bed that I would bet anything is Frank. 

Finally, I reach her room. I slip inside but it's dark and empty. I'm just about to go look for her in the stables when the shower kicks on. Annabeth is the only one who has her own bathroom, which I figure is because she's Annabeth. I sit on her bed to wait for her. With my ADHD, it feels like forever when in reality it was only about 10 minutes but finally the bathroom door opens and Annabeth steps out. She's wearing nothing but a bra and underwear. She jumps when she notices me sitting there.

"Holy Hades Percy! You scared me. What are you doing in here?" She hisses at me, crossing her arms. Words seem to fail me as I stare at her. Her cheeks turn red when she realizes her state of undress but makes no move to cover herself. I've never even seen Annabeth in a bathing suit before so this is all new to me. 

"I was bored sitting in my room alone." I tell her, which is true. 

"Do you want me to leave you to get dressed or whatever?" I ask, gesturing towards her. She shakes her head and goes to find some clean clothes. 

"Are you sure you don't mind me being in here?" I question her, which probably isn't smart. 

"If I cared, I would have already kicked you out seaweed brain." Is her response. I just nod my head, not knowing what to say. She brings out an old camp shirt and a pair of pajama shorts. Once she's dressed, she sits down on the bed with me. Her hair is still wet and I can smell her lemon shampoo. We scoot back so that we have our backs to the headboard. I take her hand, rubbing my thumb in small circles along the top of her hand. We sit in silence for a bit, it's nice to not have to talk. I look over at Annabeth and just admire her beauty. 

"Can I kiss you?" I whisper. She looks up and smiles at me. 

"Why do you need to ask?" She whispers back. 

I lean down and press my lips to hers. I've tasted nectar, my mother's cookies, and even the food of the gods and nothing compares to the taste of Annabeth's lips. I deepen the kiss, tentatively running the tip of my tongue along her bottom lip. I move down to kiss her jaw and her lips part slightly. My hands are moving on their own, in her hair and down her arms. I roll us so that I'm hovering above her and I kiss her neck. Annabeth lets out a small moan as her hands move under my shirt. I shiver, feeling the air on my stomach. She pulls my shirt up and over my arms and I complete the job, taking it off. My lips find hers again as her fingers trace up my back. I roll again so that Annabeth is straddling me, my hands resting on her hips. 

I watch as she leans down to kiss my chest and her hair falls forward, tickling me. I push it out of the way of her face and pull her back up to me so I can kiss her again. I put one hand on her back, pushing her shirt up a tad. When she doesn't stop me, I slide her shirt up further, running my fingers along her spine. She moans in my mouth and grabs the ends of her shirt and strips it off, causing it to go flying across the room. Both of us now shirtless, what started as a little hangout has turned into a steamy make out session. We've kissed before of course, but we've never gone this far before. 

As if on cue, the door swings open to reveal Frank and Hazel standing there. They both have a look of horror on their faces as they take in what's happening. Frank slaps his hand over Hazel's eyes. I groan. 

"Uh, we couldn't find Percy. There's something in the water that seems to be circling us. Coach wants us all in the control room in 5." Frank explains, his face beet red. He closes the door and we can hear a snickering Hazel on the other side. Annabeth rolls off me and goes to retrieve her shirt. It's funny how anytime we manage to find some alone time, someone (AKA FRANK) interupts us. 

"Next time lock the door, seaweed brain." Annabeth grumbles. I find my own shirt and we head out to the control room. Everyone else is already there. Frank is still red and won't meet our eyes and Hazel is still snickering. Piper looks between all of us and comes to the right conclusion. 

"Oh gods, you walked in on Percy and Annabeth again, didn't you?" Piper demands from Frank and Hazel. Hazel lets out a small giggle and I have to hold in my own laughter. 

"At least the first time they had all their clothes on." Frank mumbles and we all bust out laughing. 

"What is this, happy fun time? NO! Get moving cupcakes! This ship doesn't run itself!" Coach hedge yells, banging his club on the rails. 

"Actually coach..."

"Leave it Leo."

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