I Promise

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"Percy, come on! We don't want to be late!" My mom calls from the kitchen as I shove my feet into my shoes. I hurriedly check my reflection in the bathroom mirror to make sure that I look presentable, or as presentable as I can be, and attempt to get my hair to lay flat. Like usual it refuses and I give up on it, Annabeth won't care anyway. In all our years together, she has not once seen me in anything other than a t-shirt and jeans and I'm a little nervous to be in something a lot nicer.

"Oh honey, you look so handsome!" My mom gushes when she sees me. I blush.

"Please don't embarrass me when we get there?" I beg her.

"I wouldn't dream of it." She says, her eyes twinkling. I know better, and just hope to the gods that she won't talk about me as a baby again. She gives Estelle a kiss on the forehead and hands her off to Paul, who is staying home with her.

"Tell Annabeth I said hello and congrats!" Paul says and I assure him I will. My mom and I head down to the car. She tosses me the keys and I pull out into the city traffic.

"Are you nervous?" She asks me.

"Why should I be nervous? I literally destroy giants and titans. And I'm not the one graduating today." I tell her.

"I'm so nervous." I say a few minutes later. My mom cracks a smile.

"I thought so. This is a big step for the both of you. You're not kids anymore."

My mom is right. Living to be able to graduate high school has been the goal for so long that  now that it's actually happening, it's kind of freaking me out. I'm nervous for a whole other reason as well but I'm not telling my mother anything about that.

Annabeth's school is about 30 minutes from my apartment but with the traffic it takes about 45 minutes to actually arrive. We are 10 minutes late and I really hope that it hasn't already started.

We rush into the auditorium and I look around the crowded room. Annabeth told me that her dad was coming but I know that she was skeptical that he would show up. Their relationship is better but still rocky. I spot him sitting close to the front with two empty seats next to him. Annabeth is going to be glad he came.

"Hello, Mr. Chase." I greet him quietly and watch as recognition runs across his face. I'd only met him the once when I was 14 so I imagine that I must still look very similar to my younger self.

"Ah, Percy is it?" He asks, holding out his hand. I shake it as my mother sits down and I take the seat in between them.

"Yes, sir. This is my mother, Sally." I introduce her and she smiles at Mr. Chase.

"Lovely to meet you. Annabeth has told me a great deal about the both of you. I'm glad you could be here." Mr. Chase says. The principal comes out on to the stage just then and starts the ceremony.

They start calling names and one by one the students file up on the stage and we watch as all the A's and B's are called. They start the C's and I sit up straighter.

"Chase, Annabeth." Is called and I see my beautiful girl march up on stage. Her curls are tucked into her cap but a few tendrils have fallen loose around her face. The three of us stand up and start clapping as she is handed her diploma.

"That's my wise girl!" I cup my hands around my mouth and call and she looks up, a large grin plastered on her face. She waves excitedly and leaves to go sit with the kids who already got their diploma. We have to sit through the rest of the alphabet, which is agonizing for a person who has a hard time sitting still. Finally, the principal finishes the announcements and then the graduating class throws their caps up into the air. Everyone stands and starts clapping and it's mayhem as everyone tries to find their families. I wait on the outskirts of the crowd and soon I spot Annabeth's golden hair coming over. She gives me a huge smile and runs over.

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