Take The Test

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My stomach does somersaults as I attempt to keep down my breakfast. I've been feeling queasy all week and it's only gotten worse. I return to typing up the report that needs to be done by the morning but before I can even get through the next paragraph, I'm running for the bathroom with my hand clamped over my mouth. I barely make it to the toilet before puking up the small amount of food I'd braved this morning. I moan and get up to rinse my mouth out.

"Annabeth, are you alright?" My assistant, Jane, pokes her head into the restroom. I splash some cold water on my face before answering.

"Yeah, just ate something bad." I say and I return to my desk with her. I feel perfectly fine now, oddly enough. A sudden thought flashes through my mind but I dismiss it right away, because it's just not possible. I get back to work and concentrate on finishing this report.

My phone buzzes and I check the message that has just come through. Piper is reminding me that we have lunch plans. I glance at the clock and its nearly noon. I tie up some loose ends at my desk and let my assistant know that I'm going to lunch. Piper decided on Italian today and I grab a cab to take me uptown.

"Hey Ladies." I greet Piper and Hazel, who are already at a table. They both smile at me in return.

"I've never been here, do either of you know what's good?" I ask, picking up the menu. It's mostly pastas.

"The eggplant parmesan is exquisite." Piper says. I'll take her word for it because I cannot stand eggplant.

"So what's new with you guys?" I ask, taking a sip of the water the waiter just placed in front of me.

"Well, Frank and I are apartment hunting. The market here is so competitive. Plus we both have very different styles, so we can't agree on what we like. How did you and Percy manage to find such a great place? And with two bedrooms, too?" Hazel sighs.

"Percy was smart enough to let me do everything." I laugh, though I always loved that Percy trusted me enough to pick out the perfect place for us.

"Jason has been so stressed at work, we've been fighting a lot lately. I honestly am reconsidering the engagement." Piper frowns, looking at the ring on her finger.

"Really? Have you tried talking to your mom about it? I'm sure she would have something to say." Hazel suggests. Piper scoffs.

"Please, my mother is too busy playing with her mirror to notice what's happening. To be honest, I would not put it past her to be the cause of his stress, seeing as how the last time we talked, she mentioned something about planning the entire wedding. We all know that that would be a disaster." Piper says, sipping her tea.

"At least your mother supports your choice of husband. My mother still hasn't accepted Percy and we've been married for 2 years." I say. A waiter passes with a tray full of food and my stomach rolls over as the smell hits my nose.

"Annabeth, is something wrong?" Hazel asks as I try not to gag.

"I think I have food poisoning or something. I've been nauseous all week." I say, tentatively drinking some water. Piper and Hazel share a look.

"What?" I demand and they look at me.

"Are you late?" Piper asks and at first I don't understand the question.

"Late for what?" I wonder and then it clicks.

"What's the date?" I ask aloud.

"It's the 19th." Hazel says, checking her phone. I do the math in my head and realize that it's been 7 weeks since I last got my period. I've been so busy at work that I've barely noticed the weeks going by.

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