See? Amazing

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The bed is cold and empty when I wake. I feel frantically beside me but my hand grasps at nothing but empty air and suddenly I'm back in Tartarus, stumbling around blindly. Cold and alone. 

"Percy? Percy!" I call out. There's no answer. My blood turns to ice and I rip the cover off of me, fumbling in the dark. I thrash so much in my sleep that my legs are all tangled up in the sheets. The hallway is dark and I realize I have no idea what time it is. I can see the moonlight filtering through the window at the end of the hall so clearly it's still nighttime. 

"Percy?" I call again, softer this time. Now that I'm more awake, the reality that he had a nightmare and left our room as not to bother me is more likely. I pad through to the living room and find him sitting on the couch, a cup of cold tea in his hands. His eyes are staring at nothing in front of him. 

"Perce?" I say gently, laying my hand on his shoulder. He must not have heard me calling him as he jumps at my touch. The bags under his eyes tell me he hasn't slept in a while.

"When was the last time you slept?" I ask, taking the cup from his hands and resting it on the table before sinking onto the couch beside him. 

"Awhile. Usually I just lie in bed and watch you but I couldn't focus tonight." His voice is husky and I can hear the exhaustion behind it. My poor seaweed brain. 

"Those pills the doctor gave me don't work, all they do is make my brain fuzzy and I don't like it." He says gruffly, referring to the sleeping pills he was prescribed. I rest my head on his shoulder and we sit in silence for a little while. 

"Do you ever wish that we had died down there?" He asks suddenly, cutting into the quiet. 

"Not one bit. If we had died, then we wouldn't have saved all of our friends and we wouldn't be living this amazing life together." I tell him, not shocked by the question because I've thought about it so often myself. 

"You think this is amazing? Annabeth, we both work long hours and hardly see each other during the week and on the weekends I'm so tired that it's like I'm not even here." Percy says roughly. I lift my head and look at him. His brows are squished together and his mouth is turned down in a frown, his eyes trained on the floor. I hate seeing him so sad. I need to think of something to cheer him up. 

"In good times and in bad, Percy. That's what we vowed. Do you need a reminder?" I tell him. I think back on our wedding a year ago and how different things were then. It's true what they say about married life changing you. Only it's been for the better, I think. 

"What do you mean?" He says, finally looking at me. I stand up and cross the living room, fiddling with the small radio on the window sill. The soft melodies of Jack Johnson sweep though the air and I drag him off the couch. 

"Come on, show me those moves that so impressed everyone." I tease him and he slowly thaws until a large smile spreads across his face. 

"You told me that I was great!" He says. 

"And you are, for someone with two left feet." I laugh and he just shakes his head at me. He tugs me close and we revolve slowly. Eventually Percy starts pulling out the ridiculous movements he calls 'dancing' and I have a hard time not laughing. He twirls me a few times and I fall back against his chest and he just holds me. 

"See? Amazing." I tell him. 

"Yeah, I'd take dancing in our underwear in the middle of the night over a lifetime in the underworld any day." He agrees, kissing the top of my messy hair. 

Really been feeling the fluff lately. 

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