Because I Love You

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"Why did you even do it? Huh? You knew what was going to happen but you did it anyway!" Percy yells at me, his face red. I know exactly why I did it but I can't tell him that. Instead I don't say anything. He just shakes his head and I watch as he walks away from me. My heart aches so painfully at the sight of him retreating but anger bubbles to the surface as well. How is he still so oblivious? I have to tell him.

"Because I love you, you idiot!" I scream down the marble hallway, getting the attention of everyone surrounding me, and more importantly, the one I'm screaming at. He stops walking and just stands with his back to me. It's so quiet that you could hear a pin drop. I can feel the others eyes on me and I try to ignore them, keeping my eyes on Percy's back. He slowly turns and I see the pain on his face. Tears are falling down mine now and I've covered my mouth to stop the sobs rising in my throat.

"You can't love me." He says, his voice hard. I can see the hurt, the brokenness in his eyes as they meet mine. He thinks he's unlovable but I've proven that wrong.

"I do." I say stubbornly.

"And I think that you love me, too." I continue, forgetting that we are standing in the middle of Olympus and that 50 gods/goddesses/demigods are watching us. I've thought about this moment a million times, where I profess my love and he finally realizes how worthy of it he is. Somehow, this is not what I pictured. He takes a few steps towards me and then stops. His face twisted with anguish, he closes his eyes. There's a new type of fire behind them when he opens his eyes.


Those three letters are all it takes for me. My arms are around him and he's buried his face in my neck. I hug him tightly, not ever wanting to let go. Percy takes my face in his hands and I stare up at his face. The face of a boy who's never known love, who's been alone his entire life. The boy who saved my life when he didn't have to. The selfless, broken, brave boy I fell in love with.

When his lips finally touch mine, it's like going home. All of the worry and pain that consumes us fades away and it's just him and I.

Just a little something I thought up for Valentine's day! I actually forgot about posting something until about an hour ago hahaha. I know that the details of this AU don't line up with the events of PJO but I still like it.

Hope you enjoyed it! Don't forget to vote and leave a comment!



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