Our Future

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Waiting until I'm sure that everyone else is asleep, I slip out of bed as silently as possible. Years of training have allowed me to be as quiet as a mouse but living in a cabin with campers trained to sleep light doesn't help. I grab my yankees cap and put it on, becoming invisible as well as silent. I open up the door, thankful that it doesn't creak.

I sneak past the two harpies on duty, and head down to cabin three. It takes me longer than usual, because some other kids are caught out of bed right as I'm going past cabin 4 and I have to move out of the way for the harpies screeching past me. You would think that more of the campers would have found a way around them by now. I wait until the coast is clear before creeping out again. Cabin 3 is darker than the others, if I didn't have the layout memorized I would have missed it in the night.

I push open the door, tiptoeing in. I take off my cap and pop back into view. Percy is asleep, snoring slightly. I slip off my shoes and nudge his arm a little. He stirs, opening one eye.

"What time is it?" He grumbles, closing his eye and scowling.

"Late enough for me to get in trouble for being in here. Move over." I whisper. He does, and I climb into bed with him. It's warm under the blanket, and I lie on my side. Percy acts as the big spoon, wrapping an arm around me and pulling me close. I suspect he's already fallen back asleep. I have a harder time, my brain going a million miles a minute. I listen to the sound of the fountain in the corner, a different one since Percy broke the previous one. After 15 minutes of my eyes refusing to close, I roll over so that I'm facing Percy.

He looks so peaceful when he's asleep. When he's awake, he has a naturally brooding face which some people might find intimidating. I think it's hot, but I'm not going to tell him that. His lips are parted slightly and I run my finger along his bottom lip, not enough to wake him.

Sometimes I wonder what kind of future Percy and I have. I already know that I don't want to be with anyone else in this lifetime but does he feel the same? We are only 17, and I know that it's uncommon for couples this young to stay together but I'll be damned if I'm letting Percy get away after everything we've been through.

Still, there's that nagging part of my brain that is telling me, that after everything we've been through, a clean start with someone new who has no baggage could be something good too?

I'm jarred from my thoughts when Percy speaks.

"Why are you staring at me?" He mumbles sleepily. He must not have been really asleep.

"I can't sleep."

"I know I'm good to look at and all but it's creepy." He smiles slightly.

"Oh, get over yourself. Besides, I'm allowed to look at you, I'm your girlfriend." I say back. He closes his eyes and pulls me in close so that our faces are right next to each other.

"Percy?" I ask after a few minutes of silence, my voice barely above a whisper.


"What kind of future do you see for us?" I ask. He opens his eyes and stares back at me. I'm starting to regret asking such a serious question in the middle of the night but then he opens his mouth.

"Well, Annabeth, I imagine the two of us going off to college together. It doesn't even have to be in new Rome. I don't care where we go, as long as we go together. Then you'll become a kickass architect, designing a bunch of awesome buildings. I'll be a marine biologist or something where I can help sea animals. So we'll have to live somewhere on the coast. I'll ask you to marry me, you'll say yes, and we'll have a beautiful wedding with all of our friends and family. We'll enjoy married life for a few years and then maybe have a couple of kids. Or just a dog, I don't really care. And then we'll get really old, and when we head to the underworld, we'll live in elysium together forever." Percy declares. I'm rendered speechless for once.

"Did I freak you out?" Percy asks after I don't say anything for a while.

"Just the opposite, actually. I was afraid that you didn't see a future with me." I confess.

"Why in the world would you ever think that? You think I would walk through hell for anyone else?" He asks.

"You probably would, because you're just that good of a guy." I say lovingly, running my hand through his messy hair.

"So do you think you could live with that future?" He asks, giving me a kiss on the nose.

"I think so. I'd only change one thing: we should have at least one kid AND a dog." I correct with a smile.

"Deal. Wanna kiss on it?" He smiles cheekily. I laugh softly and move close so that our noses are touching. He closes the gap, pressing his lips gently against mine. The cabin goes silent, the sound of the fountain ceasing. I pull away and see a strange pink glow around Percy.

"Uh, please tell me that you see that you're glowing pink?" I ask him, sitting up.

"You're glowing too!" He says, and I look down to see that he's right. I remember something about how Clarisse glowed red once, as a blessing from her father. What other goddess would make us glow pink?

"I think Aphrodite just blessed us." I say quietly. The pink haze slowly fades, leaving us in the dark again. I can just make out Percy's face as my eyes adjust.

"Do you think we'll get a peaceful life now?" He asks, taking my hand and laying us down again.

"I hope so. Because I can't imagine life without you." I say and he captures my lips once more before we both fall asleep, wrapped up in one another.

And with that, I declare this book COMPLETED! I thought that this one shot would be a great finale and I hope it didn't disappoint. I thought it only fitting to do so on Percy's birthday too! 

Thank you so much to all my readers. I never imagined that this book would get so many views/votes/comments! I have had so much fun working on it.

Hope you enjoyed it! Don't forget to vote and leave a comment!



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