I Flute You

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I run my fingers through my hair, frustrated. What the fuck was all that about? Is she trying to mess with my brain? I think back at what happened in the past 90 minutes, and try to pick up on any details I might have missed.

"Hey, Annabeth. Did you happen to get the teachers notes on that class I skipped?" I ask my best friend, sitting next to her at the lunch table. She's too immersed in her chemistry book to have heard me. I tug on one of her golden curls, watching with satisfaction as it bounces back after I let go. She looks up, as if just noticing I'm sitting next to her.

"Sorry, Perce. What were you saying?" She asks, oblivious. That's one of the many things I love about her, she gets so lost in her reading. Many people might find having to repeat themselves annoying but I'm used to it. It's kinda cute.

"Nothing. Have you even touched your food yet?" I frown at the uneaten lunch in front of her. Annabeth frequently forgets to eat, often consumed by school work or just reading one of her many books.

"You sound like my fucking mother." She grumbles at me, taking a bite of her apple to disprove my statement.

"Ah, but would your mother do this?" I ask, and I dip her off the bench, pressing my lips to hers

Just kidding. That's just what I wish I could be doing. Instead, I roll my eyes and get to eating my own disgusting school lunch.

"I'm stealing the rest of your apple." I say, plucking it from her hands and taking a large bite. The juice runs down my chin, and she finally puts her books away and pays attention to me.

"You're making a mess of yourself." She states, looking at my chin. I make a point of using the sleeve of my hoodie as a napkin, knowing that it drives her nuts.

"So we have that stupid extra credit project to work on during free period. Are we going to the library or doing it in study hall?" I ask her, my mouth full of apple.

"Ugh, I can't look at you while you eat. Why are boys so gross?" She says, but she's smiling so I know she's joking.

"To answer your question, study hall. The library is going to be full of other students researching their projects because they were too dumb to pick a topic they already had some basis of knowledge on." She says, wrinkling her nose. Probably at the idea of the library being overrun by people that aren't her.

"Study hall it is. Are you done?" I gesture towards her half eaten lunch, and she nods. Gathering up all the trash, I head over to dump it in the garbage can. I have to pass by the popular table to do so and I overhear some of the other girls talking about Annabeth.

"Why does she waste all that time on her studies? If she knew what was best for her, she'd skate through on her looks. I would kill to have natural hair like that."

"My boyfriend can't ever stop staring at her. Wish she would just get a little uglier so I can at least have some of his attention."

I smile to myself because even though Annabeth isn't popular, they can't sit and call her ugly or stupid because she's a genius AND beautiful.

I rejoin her at the table, sitting sideways on the bench so that I have one leg under the table and one leg on the outside. I watch as she packs up her books, weighing down her bag. I picked it up once just to see how heavy it was and it's got to be like 20 pounds. I don't know how she manages to lug it around all day. The bell goes off, signaling the end of lunch. We have a free period next, so we head off to study hall.

Study hall is basically detention for those who didn't get detention. I wish we could have gone to the library, just because it's more private. I may daydream about kissing Annabeth back in the stacks but one day I'd like to actually do it, hopefully before we graduate high school. Hanging out in study hall doesn't help in making that a reality very much.

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