10/10 would kiss again

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Setting:  a year after the war with Gaea, the 7 have their monthly meet up at Camp Half-blood this time. (note that I have only read the first TOA book so I do not know much about that timeline!) 

Annabeth's POV

Percy and I walk into cabin 1 hand in hand, Jason is hosting this month's meet up. Everyone else is already here. I see Hazel and Frank standing together and Leo and Calypso are arguing in the corner, attempting to keep it quiet but failing. Nothing new there. Jason spots us and waves us over to him. 

"There you are! We've been waiting forever. Piper went to get more snacks." Jason says, while he and Percy do this complicated handshake. 

"Yeah, we got a little sidetracked." Percy replies sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck with his hand. I hate when he does that, it makes me lose my train of thought. 

"Of course you did, you two wouldn't be you if you didn't." Piper says behind us and I rotate just in time to see her rolling her eyes. I grin and grab the bag of chips from her hand. The two of us walk to the little table where the rest of the food is and I help her put everything away. 

"So, what's on the agenda for today?" I ask her, munching on one of the pretzel sticks. 

"Oh you know, the usual. Recounting stories of our heroics and the guys trying to one up each other. I tried to get Nico and Will to join us but they have other plans apparently. Leo is in charge of the game this time but I don't know what kind. You know him, It's probably something crazy." Piper tells me. I nod, agreeing. Leo has a tendency to go overboard. Usually Calypso can rein him in but sometimes she can be just as nuts. Someone wraps an arm around me and I look down to see brown curls. Hazel's grown a lot in the past year but she's still about 5 inches shorter than I am. 

"Hey Hazel! I see you're sporting your natural hair this time." I tease her. Last month Hazel had tried a new hairstyle out and let's just say that it was not well received. Hazel grimaces, recalling the memory. 

"Yeah..... That was a huge mistake. I should have known better than to take fashion advice from Leo." I laugh, and Percy looks up at me from across the room, grinning. Outside of these meetings, neither of us laugh as much with the after effects of Tartarus still affecting us. So we both relish in the sound of the other when we can. Leo comes prancing into the center of the cabin, clapping his hands to get everyone's attention.

"Alright, Caly and I have finally agreed on this month's game! I wanted to play a demigods version of truth or dare but someone *cough* Calypso *cough* vetoed it because it's too dangerous." He does air quotations when he says dangerous. 

"So we are going to be playing a game called truth or truth. I'm sure the name is self explanatory, but for the Franks in the room, I will explain it. It's basically truth or dare but instead of picking truth or dare, you have to answer the question you're asked 100% honestly and there are no chickens. Oh, and Piper? No charmspeak." Leo finishes, clearly expecting a big response. None of us are totally enthused about the game choice but we all go along with it, sitting on the floor in a big circle. There's a huge bowl of potato chips in the center. I have Percy on my one side and Piper on the other. Percy slings his arm around my shoulders and I lean into him. 

"OK, I'll go first. Jason, your question is this: Do you ever sneak out at night and fly around pretending to be superman?" Leo asks him, a mischievous smile dancing across his face. Jason turns a shade pinker before answering. 

"I can't lie, yes. Piper even got me a red cape." Jason admits. We all howl with laughter at his embarrassment and I realize that this was Leo's intention, to take down all those walls we put up to protect ourselves. Frank goes next.

"Frank, what is the weirdest animal you have ever woken up as?" Jason asks him. Franks deliberates for a minute and the fact that he has to really think about it makes us all laugh again. 

"I think that would have to be a water fowl. I've never even seen one in person before yet I was dreaming about eggs and woke up a bird." Frank says. Hazel giggles and Frank looks down at her warmly. 

The rest of the group goes around until Calypso turns to Percy and asks him his question. 

"Percy, have you ever kissed anybody other than Annabeth?" I scowl, knowing the answer, and also because it's Calypso asking. Percy rubs the back of his neck again. 

"Uhh, yes." He doesn't elaborate and Piper protests. 

"Oh come on, we need details!" She complains. 

"That wasn't the question! There's no rule saying I have to go into the specifics." Percy says stubbornly. 

"Fine." Piper pouted. I know somehow she's going to get it out of one of us. It's my turn now. 

"Annabeth, have you ever had a dream about me?" Percy asks, waggling his eyebrows at me. I roll my eyes at him. 

"Yes." I reply shortly. No need to explain to everyone here the nature of that dream. I ask Leo his question and he lands on Piper next. Her eyes narrow and she turns to me. 

"Annabeth, is Percy the only person you've kissed?" 

"Why has this suddenly turned into an interrogation of Percy and I's relationship? Here I am having only kissed one person in my life and I can't even say it's mutual because Percy also kissed Rachel." I finish my mini rant and realize I gave away too much with my answer. I clap my hand over my mouth before I say any more. 

"Well well well. Look who spilled. Rachel, really?" Piper is smiling and Percy looks pained. 

"I knew you were still bothered by that! She kissed me, not the other way around!" Percy exclaims. I start to turn to face him to argue my point of view but Piper stops me. Before I can even register what's happening, she grabs my face and full out kisses me. For the next 3 seconds, the world stops. 

"There. Now you can say you're even." Piper states calmly after resuming her spot next to me. I sit, my mouth gaping like a fish's, unable to process what just happened. Leo lets out a wolf whistle and I see an Iguana where Frank was sitting a moment ago. We must have shocked him into changing forms. I look at Percy, and he's trying really hard not to laugh. My face unfreezes and I glare at him. 

"What's so funny?" I demand and he busts out into near hysterics. I wait for him to stop and catch his breath, meanwhile Piper and Jason are both laughing as well and Hazel is trying to coax Frank back into human form. 

"The look on your face! Priceless!" Percy finally wheezes out. 

"Now I can tell everyone that my girlfriend kissed another girl!" Percy is still laughing and I bury my head in my hands. Gods, he is never going to drop this. Thanks, Piper. 

"So, am I a good kisser or what?" Piper asks smugly. That gives me an idea. 

"I have to say, better than Percy." I tell her with a smirk. That shuts him right up. 


"Oh yeah, 10/10 would kiss again." I joke. Jason and Calypso just shake their heads while I high-five Piper. Percy tugs on my arm and drags me outside. 

"What are you doing seaweed brain?" I pull my arm free. He has this look in his eyes.

"Would Piper do this?" He doesn't give me a chance to answer before smashing his lips to mine. He kisses me like he's never kissed me before, a hint of aggression that has never been there. And I'm kissing him back, forgetting instantly that it's the middle of the day and camp is bustling and our friends are in the cabin right on the other side of the door I'm pressed up against. I'm pretty sure someone whistles at us as they pass but we don't care. After what feels like an eternity, we break apart, both gasping for air. 

"10/10 would kiss again." I whisper before doing just that. 

Woah, this is a long one! I wrote it in one go and I really like how it came together! 

Hope you enjoyed it! Don't forget to vote and leave a comment!



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