Pizza and a surprise

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Percy's POV

So far going to Goode for senior year has been interesting. Of course I'm doing sucky in most of my classes, despite Annabeth's help. I've resigned to the fact that I'm just not going to graduate with honors but oh well. It's finally friday and I'm excited to get home as Annabeth is visiting for the weekend. 

"You ok Percy? You're practically jumping out of your seat." My friend Kyle asks me during last period. 

"Yeah, I'm just anxious to get home." I tell him, not really listening. I'm too busy thinking about Annabeth, her blonde curls and those stunning eyes....

"We still on for tonight?" My other friend Lily asks, breaking me from my daydream. I completely forgot that I had invited my school friends over for pizza after school. 

"Oh yeah, I guess. It's just you two and then Josh right?" I confirm with them. they both nod and the bell rings. 

I walk into my apartment expecting my mom to be in the kitchen but it's silent. She must be out and Paul has an evening class to teach so he won't be home until later. They both know I have friends coming over though. I see Annabeth's bag in the hall so I know she's here. Peeking into my room, I find her curled up on my bed, fast asleep. I don't want to disturb her so I shut the door and go back into the kitchen to order the pizza for later. I hang around watching random TV for about an hour and then Kyle, Lily, and Josh arrive. None of them have ever been here so they take a look around. 

"Who are these people, Percy?" Kyle asks, looking over a photo of the 7 my mom has up on a shelf. 

"These are my friends from camp. That's Piper, Jason, Hazel, Frank, Leo, and Annabeth." I tell him, pointing out everyone as I say their name. 

"Whoa dude, she's hot." Josh says, pointing to Annabeth. I chuckle before answering. 

"Trust me, I know."

Time skip

We're all just chilling and waiting for the pizza in the living room when we hear the shower kick on in the bathroom. 

"Is someone else here?" Lily asks, confused. I don't answer and just head down the hallway. The bathroom is connected to my bedroom. 

"Hey wise girl, you're up!" I call through my room. 

"Percy! Thank you for letting me know that we were having company. I almost walked out into the living room, which would have been awkward since I only had on one of your t-shirts." Uh oh, she sounds annoyed.

"Sorry! I honestly forgot I'd invited them over until they reminded me this afternoon at school. Do you want me to kick them out? Because I will." I ask her through the bathroom door. She comes out, her hair still wet and only wearing her underwear. 

"No, you hang out with your friends. It's good to have mortal friends to be normal with." She says, drying her hair with a towel. I smile, staring at her. She notices and rolls her eyes at me. 

"You're drooling." She teases, throwing the wet towel at my face. I catch it right before it hits me. She pulls on a pair of my sweatpants and a faded camp shirt of hers. I grab her hand and tug her to me, wrapping her into a tight hug. Her arms wrap around my neck and she leans her cheek on my shoulder. We stand like that for a few minutes until I remember that I have friends over. 

"I should get back out there. Do you want to join us for pizza in a bit?" I mumble, my lips against her neck. 

"Sure, save me a slice." Annabeth nods. I reluctantly let go and as I look over my shoulder before closing my door, I see her settled back on my bed with a giant book. 

"Hey man, who were you talking to back there?" Josh asks me as I enter the living room again. 

"Oh, nobody you know." I say, smiling slightly. I bring out a pack of cards and we're in the middle of an intense game of go fish (I'm crushing everyone, obviously) when the door buzzes. 

"Pizza's here!" Good thing too, because my stomach is about to rip itself open with hunger. I pay the delivery boy and bring the boxes into the kitchen. I ordered one cheese and one everything pizza, as that is Annabeth's favorite. 

"Who eats everything pizza? That's so gross." Lily says, wrinkling her nose as she reaches for the cheese.

"That would be me, thanks seaweed brain." Annabeth says, coming in and picking up a slice. She gives me a quick peck on the lips before disappearing again with her pizza. All three of my friends mouths are hanging open as they process what had just happened.

"Dude! Isn't that the same girl from the picture?" Kyle questions. 

"Yup, that's Annabeth. My girlfriend." I answer him with difficulty as my mouth is full of pizza. 

"You didn't think it was prudent to have mentioned that beforehand?" Lily asks, her eyebrows raised. I guess it would have been a good thing to have told them about her. I shrug, taking another bite. Josh holds his hand up for a high five and I oblige, though I feel a little weird doing so. 

"So, you hitting that?" Josh winks at me and before I can even answer a loud "NO" resounds throughout the apartment. Sometimes I forget how good Annabeth's hearing is. I stifle a laugh as Josh's face goes red, embarrassed that he was heard. Lily smacks his arm in response to his question. 

We finish up our pizza and our round of go fish and my friends bid me goodbye for the weekend. 

"See you Monday!" I tell them, closing the door. Finally! I practically run to my room, throwing the door open and standing in the doorway, my hands on my hips as I look at my girlfriend. She's taken over my bed, there are books all over and Annabeth herself is sprawled across the mattress on her stomach, headphones in. I pick up a pencil from my bookshelf and toss it at her. She jumps as it lands in front of her face. 

"Holy Hades, Percy! Are you trying to give me a heart attack?" She complains, pulling her earbuds out. I laugh at her face, which is one of annoyance, one I see quite frequently. I snuggle up in bed with her and steal one of the earbuds, and find myself listening to the calming sounds of Coldplay coming through. We relax, eventually falling asleep together. 

Hope you enjoyed it! Don't forget to vote and leave a comment!



Percabeth fluffजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें