So Did You Know?

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Set during MoA

Percy's POV

After an especially long night of fighting monsters on the water, we receive somewhat of a reprieve when we take to the air and we all collapse in the rec room. Coach Hedge is manning the wheel so we can all get a little break. I'm laying on the couch, Annabeth's head is on my chest and her eyes are closed but I can tell she's still awake. Leo is sprawled across the floor, silent for once. Frank is sitting on the floor, leaning against the couch and Hazel is sitting next to him. Jason and Piper are sitting at the table, just staring at each other. For the next five minutes, nobody speaks.

"So Percy," Piper addresses me, breaking the silence and spinning in her chair to face us all.

"As an Aphrodite child and their cabin counselor, I know the whole story of how you and Annabeth got together. Seriously, my siblings are obsessed. It's weird. But I'm more curious about how you guys actually met. You've known each other the longest out of everyone on this ship." She asks me. I smile and sit up, Annabeth grumbling as I force her to re position her head to my lap.

"OK, so it's a great story. It all started when I was on my way to CHB...." I begin retelling the story of how I fought the Minotaur and found my way to the big house.

"So I'm dragging Grover along with me, and you wouldn't think it by looking at him, but Grover is not light. I'm nearly ready to pass out on the porch of the big house and then I see her. My first thoughts were that she was pretty and her hair was like a princess's. My thoughts changed when her first words to me were "You drool in your sleep." I mean seriously, who says that to someone the first time they talk?" I finish the story, everyone laughing at my last comment.

"Actually, the first words I said in your presence were "he's the one. He must be." Annabeth says, not bothering to open her eyes.

"Wait, how old were you guys again?" Leo asks.

"12." Annabeth and I answer at the same time. Annabeth sits up and leans her head on my shoulder.

"You knew he was the one at 12?" Hazel says, slightly awed.

"Gods no. I hated him." Annabeth snorts. Piper and Leo both laugh and Jason smiles. I roll my eyes.

"Well then, when?" I ask her, even though I already know the answer. I poke her side trying to get her to smile. It works but she still glares at me.

"I didn't even start to tolerate him until we were 13 and I didn't start liking him until we were 14, after he rescued me from Atlas. But I guess I knew it went beyond liking him when he disappeared for 2 weeks when we were 15. Still took him a year to notice." She looks at me pointedly. I give her a cheesy smile, hoping that my obliviousness has been forgiven. Apparently it has been, because she smiles back.

"Awe, cute." Hazel says. Leo diffuses all the mushiness by throwing a pillow at the two of us.

"Stop spreading the love, it's like a freaking chick flick in here!" He claims, grabbing another pillow and whacking Jason with it. Within 30 seconds, we are having a full out pillow fight. It only ends when coach Hedge comes in and gets hit in the face, causing him to fall backwards because he's so tiny.

"What the heck is going on here? Off to bed, all of you!" Coach barks from the floor and we all roar with laughter at how indignant he sounds.

"Sorry coach, just having a bit of fun!" Leo calls as we all head to our rooms for the night.

I finally took the 'find your godly parent' quiz and got Poseidon lol. I literally hate the beach and I didn't learn how to swim until I was 12. But ok. What's your godly parent?

Also, I hit 5k reads! That is so crazy to me! Thank you to everyone who reads these! I will be uploading a special one shot soon, as soon as I finish it! Hopefully in the next say or two! Stay tuned! 

Hope you enjoyed it! Don't forget to vote and leave a comment!



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