Kiss Cam

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I swing my arm back and forth, taking the hand attached to it along for the ride. I glance over at my girlfriend- gods, just thinking about how Annabeth is my girlfriend make me giddy-and notice how cute she looks wearing my old Yankees shirt. My mom and my stepdad, Paul, are walking just ahead of us, looking over all the street vendors. They tend to camp out in front of the stadium on game days, which is pretty smart with all the people coming to the games. Not to mention all the tourists. We are heading to the first home game of the season, which is always jam packed. New Yorker's love their baseball.  Annabeth has never been to a game, in all her years of living here. I told her when we first started dating that that was going to change.

I tighten my grip on her hand as we reach the gates, the crowd is huge and New Yorker's are rude. I wouldn't put it past someone running into us and breaking us apart. She looks slightly nervous at the amount of people around us so I bring her hand up and kiss it lightly. She looks up at me and smiles, relaxing a bit.

"You guys OK?" My mom calls from ahead, they've already gone though the ticket line since they got there before us. I nod quickly and we move through the line slowly and I show the receipt telling them that we already paid. Paul got them from a friend who has season tickets but couldn't make it to this one. The teller waves us in and we join my mom and Paul.

"Did you look at the seat numbers?" Paul asks and I shake my head. I look down at the paper and my eyes practically pop out of my head.

"You alright there, Percy?" Annabeth asks, waving her free hand in front of my face.

"Jeez Paul, what kind of friend is this? These are excellent seats!" I exclaim. I refrain from jumping up and down like a little kid. These seats are right in prime foul ball city and are only a few rows from the field. Annabeth rolls her eyes at my reaction and shares a look with my mom. Those two converse more with looks over me than actual words sometimes.

"Do you guys want anything to eat?" My mom asks as we pass the food and I look over at Annabeth, silently asking her. She shakes her head.

"Annabeth says no but I could go for a pretzel." I say and once we get my pretzel, we head over to our seats. I can't believe we are actually this close! Whenever my mom brought me, we always sat way further back because the seats were cheaper. Paul lets my mom slide in first and then follows her so Annabeth and I can sit. I follow his example and allow Annabeth in first and I sit on the last seat of the row. We have a direct view of the home plate from here. I take a bite of my pretzel and sigh, there's nothing better than stadium food. Except blue cookies. 

"Is it really that good?" Annabeth asks, eyeing the pretzel dubiously.

"Taste it." I offer it to her and she takes a bite.

"It's OK. I give it a 6/10." She says after a minute.

"What? A 6? Your taste buds must be crazy." I tell her.

"That or your standards are just really low." She counters lightly.

"Clearly not since I'm dating you." I say with a smirk. It's not often I render her speechless but every once in a while I have a stroke of genius, like now. She opens her mouth and shuts it, unable to come up with a witty response. The opening notes for the national anthem start and everyone stands up as some unknown singer belts it out. They aren't half bad either.

The game starts out fast paced, the Baltimore Orioles scoring 2 hits in the first inning. (had to put my state team in there!) I groan as they streak into home on that last ball. The Yankees catch the third out next pitch though so it's their turn up to bat. The first batter manages a home run and Paul and I high five as he slides into home base.

"Men and their baseball." Annabeth mumbles. (I know women can love baseball too, so don't go thinking I'm sexist or anything! It just goes along with the dialogue here)

By the time the sixth inning ends, the O's are up 7-3 and the orange and black clad fans are getting rowdy. Not that there are many here, the crowd is mostly decked out in Yankee's colors. The seventh inning however allows us to catch up and we even the score, 7-7. The seventh inning stretch happens and the mascots from both teams run out onto the field, a bunch of kids from the stands joining them in a relay race. I look up at the mega-cam and see the kiss cam going. It lands on an older couple across the field and the crowd cheers as they kiss. It zooms around, before landing on a familiar face.

Annabeth and I's red faces are on the massive camera and I don't know whether I should kiss her or not. This is totally not what I was expecting to happen. I mean, we aren't afraid to show a little PDA but in front of half of New York city and my parents?! I look over at Annabeth and she points to her cheek. No way am I going to be the one to give their girlfriend a kiss on the cheek on the kiss cam. I grin and shake my head, pointing at my mouth. She rolls her eyes before leaning over and giving me a pretty satisfying kiss, resulting in a loud cheer from everybody watching.

"That was OK. I give it a 6/10." I repeat her earlier words after the game starts up again and she laughs out loud.

"Not in this lifetime, seaweed brain."

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