Happy Birthday(M)

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I hope everyone had a lovely holiday! In celebration of the new year, here is some smut 🙃

I stare out the window as Percy turns into the drive, the sound of the gravel crunching under the tires. His parent's little cottage looms into view and I smile as I see Sally waiting for us on the porch. Her and Paul moved out of the city about 5 years ago and it's so peaceful out here. They are actually closer to camp now. Percy and I have spent the last week helping train new campers and just letting off some steam. With it being Percy's birthday tomorrow, we decided to come and celebrate here. Percy parks and we step out into the sticky air.

The cicadas are humming in the heat, almost covering up the excited whoops coming from inside the house. Estelle bursts out of the screen door and practically jumps down the steps to the porch.

"Percy! Annabeth!" She yells happily, running towards us. Percy scoops up the 7 year old easily, balancing her on his arm. She looks so much like him, though she got Sally's striking blue eyes.

"Hey, Stella!" I smile at her, watching as my husband dotes on his little sister. We follow her up to the porch and Sally pulls the both of us into a big hug.

"You two look so tan! Spending lots of time out under that sun, hope you're remembering to use sunscreen?" Sally says, giving us a look.

"Yes, mom. We are 24, we know how to use sunscreen." Percy assures his mother, making a face at me behind her back because we both know that neither of us have the time to remember to put on sunscreen. I stifle a laugh. We head inside to get out of the heat and Nemo, Estelle's large black lab, comes galloping to say hi. Percy is constantly asking me if we can get a dog but neither of us are home nearly enough to keep one alive. I pat his head and he drools happily, all over my shoes. Paul joins us in the sitting room.

"So, is it back to work for the two of you soon?" He asks while we make ourselves comfortable. The decor is so cozy, muted colors and soft edges throughout. A stark contrast to Percy and I's apartment, which has a very modern look to it.

"Yes, we go back to camp tomorrow evening and then the next day we are back in the city. Thinking about taking a quick weekend vacay just the two of us before we go back to work." Percy answers, looking at me with a smile. I squeeze his hand. I can't even think about going back to work after being gone for the past 10 days. It hasn't really been a real vacation though because we barely got a second to relax. A weekend getaway sounds nice right about now.

We spend the afternoon just chatting, playing games with Estelle and then Sally prepared a delicious dinner. It's nearly midnight by the time everyone, besides Stella who fell asleep hours ago, goes to bed. The guest bedroom is on the ground level while everyone else is upstairs, something I'm grateful for. It's dark in the room, until Percy flips on a switch and fairly lights that are strewn up all over the room flicker on. The lights give off a dim glow, throwing everything into shadows.

I glance at the small clock and see that it's 12:02 AM. Smiling to myself, I grab Percy's hand and tug him over to the bed. I push him down so that he's sitting on the edge and I'm standing in front of him. He looks up at my face with an amused expression.

"I can't help but notice that it's after midnight, making it your birthday." I say quietly, slowly unbuttoning my blouse. Percy's eyes follow my fingers as they move down to reveal the black lace I'm wearing underneath. I let my shirt fall to the floor and move so that I'm straddling his lap.

"I think it's time to give you one of your presents." I say, wrapping my arms around his neck. He leans in closer before whispering.

"And what might that present be?"

"Me." I whisper before pressing my lips against his. He responds immediately, wrapping his hands around my thighs and pulling me closer. My hands wander down his neck to his chest, and I tug his shirt up, moving my hands underneath and resting them on his taunt stomach. He's breathing fast and I can feel exactly how excited he is. He stands up, still holding onto my thighs and turns around before laying me down on the bed. He pulls his shirt off one second, taking his pants off the next. He unbuttons my shorts, slowly tugging them down and then crawling on top of me.

He starts off kissing my lips, before moving to my neck. I moan softly as he gently goes from one side of my neck to the other, sucking on the sweet spot under my ear. My hands grip his arms, feeling the muscles contract as he goes further down. The lingerie I have on is thin and revealing, leaving little to the imagination. (As I'm writing this, I'm listening to 'Your Body' by the Plain White T's..)

"I like this..." He says, referring to the lace fabric. His fingers nimbly undo all the hooks and buttons, before it goes flying across the room and I'm left completely exposed on the bed underneath of him.

"Kinda defeats the purpose of it if you take it off." I tease him.

"I thought since you were my present, I was supposed to unwrap you." He retaliates with a mischievous smirk. I laugh at his quip.

"I'd say you've succeeded then." I say softly, bringing his face down to mine so that I can kiss him again. I think to myself as Percy takes off his boxers about how truly, truly grateful I am that we aren't on the same level as his parents.

HAHA! This story started out so wholesome and then ended up being pretty dirty. 😂

Also super random, but does anyone have that thing where you associate certain songs with books? Anytime I hear 'Kids' by MGMT or 'Clint Eastwood' by The Gorillaz, I think of PJO/HoO.

Hope you enjoyed it! Don't forget to vote and leave a comment!



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