An Unwelcome Kiss

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Just a warning, this chapter is a little angsty and they are a little out of character! The ending makes up for it though! :)

"Percy! Wait, please!" I call through the downpour at the retreating silhouette, the tears on my face mixing with the rain drops. I slide down the wall of the building which Percy had just run out of and put my face in my hands, not even bothering to put my hood up. I sit there for I don't know how long, until I feel a hand on my shoulder. I look up, hastily wiping my face and see the last person I need to lay eyes on right now.

"Hey, are you alright? You ran out of the room so fast, did I do something wrong?" The concerned face of my architecture partner, Brandon, comes into view and I find myself wanting to strangle him. Standing up, I give him a little shove back. Percy had walked into our classroom to meet me for dinner right as Brandon kissed me. It had caught me off guard and I kissed him back without even thinking about it. Percy had seen the whole thing and stormed off before I could even attempt to explain. I can't believe this.

"Yes, you idiot! What'd you go and kiss me for? You know I have a boyfriend and he just saw the whole thing!" I yell at him and he just gapes at me like a stupid looking fish. I don't give him a chance to answer, just walking out into the rain. I need to find Percy, and try to get him to understand what happened. I check his favorite gaming shop but the owner said he hasn't been in today. He's not at the diner down the street from our apartment either. Soaking wet and freezing, I give up looking all over the city for him and just go home.

Dropping my keys into the dish by the door, I'm disappointed to find the apartment dark and empty. I shuffle out of my wet clothes, leaving them by the washer and walk to my closet in just my underwear to get into some pajamas. I catch a look at myself in the hallway mirror and I look like a mess. My makeup is smeared from the tears and the rain and my hair looks like a poodle. I don't care though, I'm too exhausted and upset from searching for Percy.

The light in our bedroom flips on as I enter and I jump as Percy sits back down on the edge of our bed. I put my hand over my heart, feeling how fast it's beating. I let out a sigh of relief though at the sight of him.

"Percy! I've been looking everywhere for you. Please, let me explain." I start but Percy puts his hand up to stop me. It's evident that he's been crying too. I hate that I've hurt him, even if accidentally. He won't meet my eyes.

"I only want to know one thing." He says, his voice thick. I can feel my eyes watering again at his tone. I nod OK.

"Are you having second thoughts about this relationship?" He asks, his voice barely above a whisper. I swallow my sobs so that I can answer him.

"Gods no, Percy. Never." I whisper back. Percy stands up and walks away from me, looking out the window at the city lights. I hold myself back from going to him, knowing that he needs some space from me right now.

"Why'd you do it?" He asks. He sounds so hurt, all I want to do is wrap my arms around him.

"I wasn't expecting it, and it caught me off guard. I kissed him back without thinking. As soon as I realized I shoved him back and then I saw you standing there. I swear Percy, I would never do anything to hurt you intentionally!" I plead. He's still facing the window so I can't see his face.

"Gods, Annabeth, after everything we've been through!?" Percy shouts and I burst into tears because he's right. We've been through so much and I can't believe something this stupid might be the end. I sink onto the bed, not caring that I'm getting the sheets wet. I sob into my hands, and after a few minutes I feel Percy pull them away from my face. He holds my chin up with one hand and finally meets my gaze. My heart breaks at the hurt I see in his eyes. I sniffle and he wipes away my tears.

"Look, whoever said relationships were easy has never been in one. Neither of us are perfect and I can't blame you for something you didn't do intentionally. I know it was a mistake and I don't want you beating yourself up about it, because I know you are. It might take a bit for me to get over it, but it wouldn't hurt so much if I didn't love you as much as I do." Percy says sincerely and I cry harder listening to his words. What did I do to deserve such a forgiving man? He wraps me up in his arms and I cry into his chest. Eventually my eyes run dry but I don't move. I'm afraid that as soon as I do, he'll say he's leaving me or worse.

"So, you're not leaving?" I finally ask, my voice raspy.

"You're not getting away from me. Never again." He promises and kisses my forehead. I smile in spite of the situation as he quotes what he told me years ago.

"Is suggesting to rearrange whats-his-name's face a terrible idea right now?" Percy asks, trying to lighten the mood and I look up at him. The shine in his sparkling eyes is back and I can tell the worst is over. We will get over this.

I'm 110% loving my new cover photo for this story! If anyone knows the artist, let me know so I can credit them in my description!

Also I just wanna say thanks to all my readers. Writing these little stories is kinda my escape right now. I've been feeling very....lost, out here in the real world. I don't know what I want to do with my life and I've got all this personal pressure and I'm just feeling lost.Anyways, love all the love you give me! Seeing all the comments/votes makes my day! ❤️

Hope you enjoyed it! Don't forget to vote and leave a comment!



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