Whose Turn Is It?

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A shrill cry pierces the silence throughout the apartment. My eyes snap open and I can feel Annabeth stirring next to me. 

"Percy, it's your turn." My wife mumbles, pulling the blanket over her head. 

"No, it's your turn. I took the first and second shift last night." I respond through a yawn. We do this every night. 

"Incorrect, I did. All you did was bring me the baby." She tells me grumpily. Sleep deprivation does not look good on either of us.

"It's not my fault that I'm not equipped with the body anatomy to feed the baby." I say, swinging my legs out of bed. I trip over something and nearly stumble to the floor. Maybe it's a good idea to turn a light on before I pick up the baby. I find the hall light and flip it on, opening the door to the small bedroom next to ours. The crib is positioned on the big wall, with a rocker and a changing table on the other. The whole nursery is done in a soft grey color palette, with pops of blue. I lean over the edge of the crib and scoop up my crying son. Lucky kid looks just like his mother, though he has my eyes. 

"Shhh shhh." I shush, holding him against my chest and swaying slightly. He settles down slightly but is still upset. I sit down in the rocker gently and cradle the 3 month old. I rock back and forth and he quiets down. Outside of not liking to sleep, he's the perfect baby. He already loves it when Annabeth reads to him and his eyes get wide when I make shapes out of water. I watch as his eyelids droop slowly as he drifts back to sleep. 

We had such a hard time naming him when he was born. There were so many of our friends that we lost and we couldn't name him after every one of them and some people might have been offended if we didn't choose a name they liked so we decided to find a name that we knew nobody of. I remember flipping through pages of baby names, suggesting about 2,000 and Annabeth shot them all down. A favorite of mine had been Calix, it had meant handsome. I told Annabeth that with a name that meant handsome and with me for his father, he would surely grow up to be an Adonis. She just rolled her eyes at me. 

"None of them seem right." She had said. We knew we wanted him to have a Greek name, since that's a part of both of us and we want him to have some connection to that world. We don't know yet if he's inherited any of our powers. I'm secretly hoping for a water buddy, though if he grows up to be a genius, that won't be so bad. I finally suggested one and she didn't say no right away. 

"How about Theo?" I said, and I glanced up at her holding our newborn son. She had a contemplating look on her face. 

"What does it mean?" She asked and I searched for the meaning of the name. 

"It means 'divine gift'." I said and smile stretched across her face. And that is how we settled on the name Theo. His middle name is Chase, after Annabeth of course. The meaning of his name is what really helped us choose it, he truly is a divine gift. We weren't sure if we would ever have kids, one reason being that we live in such a dangerous world, and two with Hera being the goddess of family and all. Annabeth and her have never gotten along and Hera is known to hold grudges. He'll be a spoiled boy, that's for sure. 

Speaking of spoiling, Annabeth is always getting on me about letting him sleep on me for too long so I carefully stand and place him down in his crib. It's true what they say, laying a sleeping child down without waking them up is literally more nerve-wracking then slicing off a hydra head without burning it. He stirs slightly but stays asleep. I tiptoe back into Annabeth and I's bedroom and slip back under the covers. She acknowledges my presence and snuggles in, resting her head on my chest. I wrap my arm around her and my mind goes blank as sleep finds me. 

Or so I thought, until Theo starts crying an hour later and the both of us startle awake. 

"It's your turn, you have the goods." I say, nudging Annabeth in the butt with my foot to get her moving. She swats at my legs and I smile sleepily. 

"I'm going to start praying to the gods for you to grow boobs." She says, giving me a look of exasperation. She brings Theo back into the bedroom with her after feeding him and he lays in between the two of us. It's almost dawn, the sky is starting to lighten up. I swear, I love this boy to death and he's the cutest thing to walk this earth, but if he doesn't start sleeping more, I'm going to die of exhaustion. 

"I think we need to get aunt Piper up here to convince you to sleep, mister." I tell him and he gives me a gummy smile. I look over at my wife staring at the adorable creature we made and I don't ever want to leave this bed. 

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