The Name Of The Game

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Hahaha ok so this au was inspired by a tumblr post I saw. I read it and was like, this would make a cute Percabeth story, like I do reading most text posts 😶

"Piper, why did you drag me to a basketball game? You know I have better things to do than to watch your boyfriend play ball." I complain as she drags me to sit along the bleachers. Hazel, our little freshman friend, is sitting there already and she gives us a sweet smile as we approach.

"Because you need to have some fun for once! Besides, what's better than watching a bunch of hot guys run around?" Piper insists. I sigh but know better than to argue with her. The gym is full of other students and parents, apparently this is some qualifier game? Goode high is eligible to enter the championship if they win this game.

"So, have you talked to Frank?" Piper asks Hazel. Her cheeks go red, blending in with her caramel skin. Frank is on the team, and the two of them have been flirting back and forth for weeks now. Both Piper and I have tried getting her to talk but she's so shy.

"No and why would I? Frank is a basketball player, a popular junior. Why would he be interested in me?" Hazel asks in a low voice.

"Maybe because you're a natural beauty and you're literally the nicest person here, next to Frank!" Piper says like it's the most obvious thing in the world. She is right though, Hazel and Frank would make a really cute couple.

"Stop meddling, Pipes." I tell her anyway, to spare Hazel. The coaches all meet with the refs and the captains of the team shake hands. I don't know too much about basketball but it seems easy enough to follow. Goode scores 27 points in the first half alone. The competing team isn't that great.

"Woo, go Jason!" Piper cheers and he looks up from the court to give her a thumbs up. Jason is a fairly attractive guy, with his blond hair and blue eyes and he's very nice. Piper could do worse. The game starts up again, and I find myself getting more invested in what's happening. Goode scores again and I'm up cheering with Piper and Hazel.

All of a sudden, one of the players on our team is hit in the face with the ball, giving him a nasty bloody nose. He runs off the court and the coach gives him a rag to stop the blood. The game continues, and the guy eventually joins back in once he's no longer bleeding.

"Looks like someone distracted him." Piper says, looking at me all weird.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" I ask her.

"He was looking right at you before getting hit in the face!" She exclaims. Hazel nods, agreeing with Piper.

"What?! I don't even know who that is!" I scoff because that's just ridiculous. Why would I distract anyone? The end of game bell rings, and Goode won. Everyone is cheering and clapping.

"Oh look, someone is coming over here." Piper says smugly and she's right, the guy that got hit in the face is making his way over to the three of us. I recognize him as someone who I have a few classes with but I don't know his name and we've never talked before.

"Hey, so, thanks for this." He says to me, gesturing to his face. His jersey, with the number 18 on it, is all bloody and his nose is swollen.

"Why would it be my fault you got hit in the face?" I question him. Even with his messy face, he's still pretty cute. His dark hair is all mussed up and sweaty around the edges and his eyes are a very bright green. Despite probably being in pain, he's got a smile on his face.

"I got distracted by you." He says, smiling even wider. Piper nudges me with her elbow. I refuse to look at her because I know she's going to be telling me 'I told you so' with her eyes.

"That was incredibly cheesy." I say but I smile too.

"Did it work?" He asks.

"I don't know, all you did was come over here and call me a distraction. What are you trying to do exactly?" I joke.

"Well I was trying to ask you out but I can see that my attempt was a flop. Let me try again: Hi, my name is Percy and I think you are extremely beautiful. Would you like to go out with me?" He asks confidently, his smile dazzling. I can feel Piper practically vibrating with excitement next to me. I consider his offer. He seems funny and he's certainly attractive, what do I have to lose?

Ok so I keep seeing all these edits and descriptions of Percy that basically have him described and dressed as a fuckboy and it's just no. Give me Percy who wears jeans and converse and band t-shirts.

Thanks for coming to my ted talk.

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