Help Me Forget?(M)

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I'm in the middle of changing out of my very sweaty shirt when the door to my cabin swings open and my clearly pissed off girlfriend stomps in, slamming the door behind her.

"What the hell?" I start but Annabeth just puts her hand up to stop me from asking any more questions. She closes her eyes and pinches the bridge of her nose, letting out a frustrated groan.

"I swear to the gods, Percy. These young campers will be the god damn death of me. My obituary will read that I died from a massive migraine." She huffs and plops down on my bed. I let out a sigh of relief, now that I know I'm not the one she's upset with.

"What happened?" I ask, forgetting about putting on a new shirt and sitting next to her.

"Not important. I just need to forget about it or else it's going to bother me all day." She says, running a hand up my bare chest, resting it on my cheek. I cover her hand with my own, and she leans in.

"Maybe you can help me forget.." Annabeth whispers before pressing her lips to mine. Kissing Annabeth is like no other thing in the world. It's probably my favorite thing to do. It doesn't help that she's so fucking good at it too. In an instant, she's on my lap and we're making out on my bed. It doesn't take much these days to get us going. We agreed that we wouldn't go all the way while here at camp out of respect for Chiron and his rules but she doesn't exactly make keeping that promise easy. You could say that the hormones of a teenage guy are wild but nobody ever takes into account that girls can be just as bad.

I push the strap of her tank top off her shoulder and kiss along her collarbone. She pushes me down on the bed so that she's hovering above me and claims my mouth again. If you had to name an alpha in this relationship, it would be Annabeth. Not that I'm complaining though.

I run my hands under her shirt, resting them on her waist. Her hands wander down my chest, feeling along the lines.

"You. Are. So. Gorgeous." I whisper, kissing her jaw with each word. I push my hands up further, taking her shirt with me. She shivers as the air hits her back and closes her eyes. We really shouldn't be doing this but neither of us wants to stop. Annabeth wiggles her hips suggestively on top of me and I moan. Forget about her obituary, mine will read that my girlfriend killed me with her sex appeal.

Just as we are getting somewhere, the cabin door bangs open again and Piper strides in. Annabeth groans and buries her face in my neck. I sit the both of us up and fix Annabeth's tank top.

"Gods, get a room." Piper comments on the situation, raising an eyebrow at us. 

"We have a room. It's called my cabin." I say, not bothering to be nice about it. Piper can be so intrusive sometimes. And I really hate that there aren't locks on the cabin doors.

"Sorry but I just heard a very interesting tale from two of my siblings about your girlfriend and I figured she would be in here. Care to explain what happened, Annabeth?" Piper asks. I'm growing more irritated by the second but allow the girls to converse.

"What happened was that two of your younger siblings were being little shits while I was trying to teach and when I yelled at them for disturbing the group, they got pissy and left. I don't know what they told you." Annabeth explains, having turned to face Piper, though she's still on my lap. Thankfully. Piper nods.

"I figured that was more likely. Just gotta check, as cabin counselor. Proceed with your manhandling." Piper gestures for us to continue on and then she leaves the cabin.

"Manhandling? Is that what she thinks that was?" I say incredulously and Annabeth laughs, standing up. She smoothes out her shirt and fixes her hair, which had fallen out of it's ponytail. She decides to put it up in a messy bun this time and let me tell you, there is nothing sexier than a flushed-faced Annabeth in a messy bun. I groan loudly and flop backwards.

"What's the matter?" Annabeth asks, peering over the bed to look at my face.

"YOU. You will be the death of me. Stop being so hot." I whine. Annabeth laughs loudly at my complaints and shakes her head.

"I could say the same thing about you, seaweed brain." Annabeth says with a smirk as I sit back up. 

"Come on, people will gossip if we aren't seen every hour." She says, rolling her eyes. I take her outstretched hand and we leave the cabin together, though I wish we had never been interrupted.

Annabeth is 100% a top and Percy a bottom. Nobody can convince me otherwise 😂.
Also, if you don't get that, you're too young and I'm not explaining.

Hope you enjoyed it! Don't forget to vote and leave a comment!



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