through all the tears his eyes sparkled

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mood: knives and pens- black veil brides

Saturday, September 1st, 3:15 pm

Louis sat crossed legged in the middle of his floor with his laptop in front of him watching a movie. Midnight was in his lap getting a little riled up and squirmed, wanting to run around his room. Louis chuckled and said, "Jeez, all you have to do is ask," and set her on the floor. Immediately after being set free, she started bolting around the room. Louis laid down on his stomach watching her run then stop, run then stop, run then stop with a big smile on his face.

He geared his attention back to the movie occasionally checking up on his rabbit to make sure she was okay. He heard the doorbell ring from downstairs and his body stiffened the slightest bit but relaxed almost immediately. Ever since he was a kid, he didn't like the sound of doorbells, car engines, car doors opening and closing, or basically any noise signaling that people are over. And because Louis doesn't like any of those things, they rarely ever have people over, not that it's a problem. The voices of people talking downstairs could be heard through the floors but he paid no attention to it and focused on his movie.

Laura opened the door and was met with a smiley family of four holding tupperware full of cookies. "Hi," she said cheerfully.

"Hi," the stranger greeted. "We moved in across the street about a month or so ago but we were busy moving in and getting situated that we didn't have time to introduce ourselves to our new neighbors. I'm Millie and this is my husband George. These are my children who I'm sure have the manners to introduce themselves." She smiled wide along but George's smile was barely there.

"Gemma," said the younger girl with straight bleached blonde hair and darker roots.

"Harry," the green-eyed curly haired boy said with a smile so wide his dimples popped out.

"We didn't want to be too cliché, but Harry being the housewife he is wanted to make you cookies," Gemma said handing Laura the container filled with cookies.

"They're chocolate chip," Harry chimed in.

"So if they're bad, I apologize on my brother's behalf." Gemma laughed while Harry looked at her offended and lightly slapping her arm.

"Oh, thank you, how lovely." Laura chuckled before saying, "I'm sure they'll be great," which made Harry smile. "If I would have known you guys were coming by, I would've made something too. I should've welcomed you when you first moved in. Oh gosh, I apologize." She gave her forehead a soft slap. "Where are my manners? I'm Laura, Laura Tomlinson. And um, my husband, he's at work right now but he's called Charles. And we have a son, Louis," Laura rambled.

"Is he here? Louis? Is he here? If you don't mind, I'd like to say hi. I've seen him around school a few times, talked to him even, but he doesn't seem too fond of me," Harry chuckled.

"Oh no sweetheart, he's just very shy. I'm sure he has nothing against you. Give me one second." Harry smiled and Laura walked to the stairs to call Louis down. "Louis, can you come down please? People are here to see you." She walked back to the door and said, "He'll be down in a minute. So where are you guys from?"

Louis heard his mum call him from downstairs and sighed. "People here to see me? This has to be a joke." Nonetheless, he paused his movie and chased Midnight around before finally catching her and putting back in her cage so nothing could happen to her while he was away. He heard his mum call his name again as he opened his door. Going down the stairs, he said, "I'm coming ma, I'm coming. Who's h-" He stopped at the end of the stairs looking towards the door. His whole demeanor changed instantaneously when seeing the family that lived across the street from him. Especially when his eyes landed on Harry's; it was the first thing he noticed and he found it hard to move his feet.

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