what if i get us lost in the fog?

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mood: lean on me- bill withers

Thursday, September 13th 6:53 pm

Since school starts at seven thirty Harry found no use in waking up early because why get to school sooner when you can sleep more? However, because of his pursuit of friendship with the stubborn boy from across the street, he's been waking up sort of early to accompany him on his walk to school. Harry always tried to get out before Louis because he knows that he won't wait for him. So waking up early for that didn't bother him. In fact, he really liked it. He still didn't wake up that early but it's the thought that counts.

With that in mind, after he checked the time he got out of bed in a rush, quickly getting dressed into black skinnies, a white tee, and black converse. There was no time for breakfast so when his mum offered him food he respectfully declined, heading out the front door and just like he predicted, Louis was a few houses down already heading to school. "I swear it's like he loves seeing me suffer," Harry said as he sped walk across the street to catch up with his neighbor. "Louis, wait up," he shouted. Louis didn't budge and he continued to walk normally. Once Harry finally caught up, walking alongside the small boy, Louis still didn't acknowledge him. Not a glance or greeting or gesture, not even a mumble. "Is everything alright? You're awfully quiet this morning." Still no response. "Hey." Harry stood in front of Louis to get him to stop but he only walked around him. "Louis wh-" he cut himself off and chased after the smaller boy. "Why're you mad at me? What did I do? You were talking fine yesterday. I just-"

"Not everything is about you," Louis mumbled under his breath not wishing to be heard. But he was and it surprised Harry, not expecting Louis to talk.

"No, of course it's not. I just want to know if you're upset from something I did yesterday. I'm sorry but can you please let me know what it is so I won't do it again?"

Louis stopped in his tracks and finally looked up at Harry. "Again? What do you mean again? There isn't going to be an again. This just- I- all of this," he motioned his hands in circles, "I can't do it, I'm done." He turned on his heel and walked away without caring how Harry felt.

Harry scrunched his eyebrows and frowned. "What do you mean you're done?" Harry asked following suit.

Again, Louis stopped to look at the tall boy in complete disbelief. Was he actually this dense? "I don't want to be your friend and I don't want you to be mine. So could you please leave me alone? For God sake just leave me be. I was fine before you came here and I'll be fine with you here but that doesn't mean I need you in my life. So stop trying to save me and use whatever this is on someone else because I'm tired of hearing it." Many emotions flooded Harry from shock to sadness to disbelief. This was the most Louis' ever spoken to him in one sitting, granted what he said wasn't very nice and the loudest he's ever heard him talk.

"W-what did I do wrong?" Harry asked sadly.

"God, can you just leave?" Louis snarled picking up his pace to get away from his neighbor, but Harry caught his wrist before he could get too far. "I just want to be left alone!"

Harry's mouth opened and closed a few times, not really knowing what to say. He blankly stared at Louis who was crossing his arms and doing his best attempt at a glare. (In all honesty it just made him look cute). "You're lying."

"Am I?" Harry nodded, raising his eyebrow as if testing Louis. "Care to elaborate?"

"Of course kitten," Harry smiled but Louis rolled his eyes. "Well first, you're making way too much eye contact like you're searching for my belief in your lies when you never hold eye contact." Louis furrowed his brows and relaxed a bit, taken aback. "You've also been swallowing a lot as a nervous tick and you pushed your fringe away at least four times." He hadn't realized he was doing any of those things and it threw him off even more that Harry caught on to it.

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