i can't expect him to have love for me when he doesn't love himself

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mood: against all odds- phil collins

Friday, November 9th 6:58 am

As promised, the night before each boy picked an outfit for the other to wear to school the next day. For Louis, it was harder to choose an outfit in Harry's wardrobe because the clothes he had were on opposite ends of the spectrum. He had shirts that were either basic t-shirts— some plain, some with designs— or clean-cut button ups you'd wear to a fancy event. There were, however, a few jumpers and jackets in the mix, but they came sparsely. The trousers in the dresser were the same; they ranged from sweatpants to slacks with a few jeans Louis had never seen before laying underneath the worn out black skinnies with rips and tears at the knees and ankles that Harry always wore. But eventually, he was able to put an outfit together, shoes and all. The look would definitely suit the way Harry looked, but it was completely different than how he presented himself.

For Harry, it was like the complete opposite. Louis had so many clothes he didn't wear. His usual outfits were joggers and a zip up with a band tee underneath it, but his wardrobe expressed so much more. Unlike Louis, it was hard to choose an outfit because there was so much to choose from. Like he proposed, Louis indeed did have a few crop tops—some that were made that way and others that were hand cut by Louis himself. He was stuck in that section for a while, just scanning through the different fabrics and not ashamedly imagining what Louis would look like in them, but when his name was called and Louis asked him what was taking so long, he quickly moved on and sifted through the rest of the clothes to find something. Of course, Louis had more rules to add on and it was completely understandable but a tad annoying. 'No crop tops, no tank tops, no yoga pants, nothing too tight.' Which wasn't anything too restricting taking that Louis had anything you could think of. After much thought and careful plotting, he finally picked something out and left it on the floor on top of the shoes he wanted him to wear.

Just so everything could be a surprise, they promised not to have a peak at it until they were to get ready the next morning. They pinky swore on it just so neither would even think about having a look but that didn't mean each boy was nearly having a heart attack over the outfit that was within hand's reach. Nevertheless, both boys made it through the night and were able to sleep before waking up and finally being able to see the outfit. They were quite reserved with the way they dressed so having to step out of their comfort zone for eight hours for the entire student body to see was extremely terrifying and the only thing they had to get through it all was the support they're providing for each other.

Harry woke up to multiple text messages from Louis ranging from good morning (: to can't wait to see the outfit to I hate you. He knew the last text was when Louis finally looked at the outfit but that only made Harry smile because he knew Louis was going to look cute in it. When he himself looked at his outfit, he was a little taken aback at the little fashionista Louis was and in all honesty he didn't remember having those items. They went well together, a little dressy for school, but still nice. After he got dressed and ready for the day, he gave himself a long look in the mirror. He just looked so weird. The outfit itself wasn't bad in any way. It actually looked pretty nice and he learned that Louis had some pretty good style, but it just wasn't him— or what he was used to seeing on his person.

His mum even cooed at him when he descended the stairs to which he responded with a roll of his eyes and a wave of his hand. "You look good sweetheart," Millie complimented as Harry followed his mum into the kitchen.

"Yeah?" Harry asked with a flush running down his neck. He liked the outfit, but he did feel insecure and vulnerable in it.

"Of course. Louis picked it out?" Harry nodded, leaning against the countertop. "He did a good job." She gave her son a once over and leaned on the countertop opposite him. "I think this was a good idea, really."

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