like his feelings aren't his but that of a small fragile boy

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mood: sun is shining- bob marley

Monday, September 25th 5:30 am

Harry woke up to the blaring sound of his alarm clock. He groaned, shifting his body, turning his head to his right and slowly bringing his hand to where his phone laid on his pillow. With furrowed brows, he slowly blinked his eyes open to adjust to the light, squeezing them shut and fluttering them open a few times more, and looked at the time displayed across his screen. It was half past five, an absolutely vile time to be woken up. Hitting the stop button at the bottom of his screen, he went back to sleep.

5:45 am

An alarm went off again causing Harry to groan, pressing the stop button. Monday mornings were the worst. He turned his body the other direction and drifted off to sleep.


His alarm goes off one last time before he finally eased his way up, sitting with slumped shoulders with his chin resting on his chest, hair hanging over his face. He squeezed his eyes shut and rubbed them with the palm of his hands. He turned off his alarm, sitting on his bed, slumped over and staring into space for a few seconds, thinking about absolutely nothing. For once in his life his mind wasn't running a thousand meters a minute and he hated it. Thinking all day everyday does get exhausting, but he didn't mind it. It was something for him to do. When no thoughts came to his head he felt almost empty. It wasn't who he was and without his crazy, jumbled thoughts he gets bored easily. Harry was the kind of person who was very restless and if he wasn't busy doing something interesting he'd be bored. He was one of those people who had to be occupied twenty four seven or he'd go insane.

Rolling out of bed, Harry grabbed his towel and made his way to the bathroom. When stepping in, he turned the shower on, letting the water run for a while before getting into the bath because the water was always too cold in the morning. In the meantime, Harry brushed and flossed his teeth— because that's definitely something you do not do in the shower— and shaved the subtle stubble that spiked out along his upper lip and jawline.

Once the bathroom was engulfed in steam and when he was finished with his wee, he stepped into the bath, the water burning, tingling against his cold skin creating pink spots all over his back. It stung, but it soothed the tension in his muscles. He showered quickly, washing his hair with only conditioner (he has a weekly regime) and ran soap briefly over his body. Once everything was cleaned and rinsed, he turned the shower off and headed back to his room. His wardrobe consisted of the same clothes, black and white t-shirts, some patterned tees, and a few dress shirts. There, of course, were his more eccentric pieces he didn't have the confidence to wear, though he'd love to one day.

It's quite shocking how many people took the time to want to befriend Harry but don't actually know much about him. Despite him being new to the school, he was widely known and had many friends. Loads of people took interest in him, and why wouldn't they? The girls threw themselves at him and guys both loathed and loved him. But the amount of people that took the time to get to know the quirks of Harry Styles, he could count on one hand: Monet, Niall, and Louis. Well, Louis was a different story. He never really went out of his way to get to know Harry nor did he really seem to care about him, but Harry felt the need to spill his deepest darkest secrets to Louis and he was forced to listen to it all. But still, Louis counts.

Because of this, Harry was always hesitant on wearing his 'out there' pieces. It wasn't because he was afraid of judgement because there's no way you can escape that, but he didn't want all eyes to be on him. He had confidence but not enough to flaunt around completely carelessly. When he walks down the corridors— really anywhere he goes— he turns heads, however judgmental eyes have a different affect than those of lust.

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