instead of wasting time on a boy who wants to be alone

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mood: here for you- kygo ft ella henderson

Tuesday, October 3rd 7:13 am

Harry drove to school this morning. Despite having a wonderful time with Louis on Saturday, these past two days it seemed as though his tiny neighbour had been avoiding him. Both yesterday and this morning he waited for minutes on end near Louis' drive only for a no show and had to drive to school because he'd be late if he walked. He saw him in the halls but the second he saw Harry he'd scurry off into a place unknown. The game of pining after Louis has begun again, even after their deal. And if it was anything he said or wrote, Harry would like to know, that's the least he deserved.

When he found a spot in the car park he walked to where his friends usually gathered in the courtyard every morning instead of going on a manhunt for a boy who apparently doesn't want to be found. He got comfortable— as comfortable as one would be on the hard benches school had— and snuggled his head into Niall's shoulder.

"I don't get it Ni, why doesn't he want to be my friend?" Harry huffed, closing his eyes when he finally got cozy.

"He's been through a lot H," Niall spoke. "I'd be surprised if he actually considered being your friend."

"But he has!" Harry flailed his arms in the air and let them drop on the top of the mesh-lined tabletop, removing his head from Niall's shoulder. "We have so much fun together and I can physically see whatever it is that's haunting him leave his mind, even if it is only temporary."

"Again, it's not easy for him. Especially with someone who's friends with Zayn, which is understandable."

"Why does everyone say that? First Monet, then Louis, and now you? I'm not Zayn!"

"It doesn't matter cupcake. I've not said one mean word to him and I'm sure he hates my guts because of who I hang out with."

"But that's not fair," Harry pouted, frowning the biggest frown he's ever frowned. "I just want to hug all his problems away. He may not care for me but it doesn't feel good to see him have this constant battle with himself."

"Then maybe you should start diving into the world that is Louis Tomlinson," Niall said so sweetly, guiding Harry's head back to his shoulder so he he could soothe the matted knots at the base of Harry's neck. It was strange but Niall could tell just how important this friendship was to Harry. And he'd be a bad friend to encourage him to give up when this is all he talked about.

"I've tried but he just keeps closing the doors." He sighed and turned his head into Niall's shoulder to huff. "I get one foot in and then he slams the door. On my foot! How am I supposed to get in if I don't have the key?"

"Maybe because to get into Louis' world you need to take a different route, a different door that you do have a key to."

"And what would that be?" Niall nudged Harry with his elbow to get his head off his shoulder then jolted his head up with his eyes concentrated forward. Harry looked in the direction and knew exactly who he was talking about. You'd be able to recognize that raven colored hair from kilometers away.

"Zayn," Harry said in confusion. Niall nodded his head, packing up his notebooks. "What would he know?"

"More than you think peaches. He knows more than anyone else in this school." He shrugged his shoulders as if it were obvious. "But please, if you approach him about Louis, just-" Niall paused trying to find the right way to word what he was thinking, "don't be too blunt about it? He'd kill me for saying this and I know it doesn't show but it's a very sensitive topic for him. Sensitive in many different and weird ways."

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