and that alone scared him

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mood: i wanna be a sheep- ezra furman & the harpoons

Wednesday, October 31st 7:48 pm

The two boys drove to the party in Harry's car and sang and danced and talked and laughed and everything else in between. The party was about forty-five minutes away at some snooty, rich kid's place in the northern side of London. He lived on the posher side of town where the houses were big and the lowest class of car that was driven was a Tesla. Harry didn't really know how the word of the party got all the way across town to his school, which obviously wasn't the richest.

Parties weren't his thing. Sure the first party he went to was quite the time but ever since him and Louis became friends, parties weren't of interest anymore. When he heard about it through his rugby friends he didn't even bat an eye. He wasn't going to go but then the idea of Louis in a costume in a scenery that wasn't the space of either of their houses was highly intriguing. Sure, they could've just stayed in and watched a film like they always did, but that would get old after a while and Harry wanted to go out and have fun. That didn't necessarily mean to go to a party but it was something. And he also really wanted to take Louis to his first high school party.

Whenever they were together it always consisted of snacks, warm blankets, and films playing all night long. And as much as he loved those nights with Louis, he's always wanted to go out and be social with him and have him interact with other people to get himself out there. Like when they went to Regents or that river or the sunflower fields. Those were nice times out of the house that involved fresh air and a hell of a good time being with each other. There were many places Harry could've taken him that were neat and inventive, but a party was way out of his norm and was just an excuse to see Louis drink and dance and just have fun. Not to mention him dressed as a greaser.

"Harry?" Louis asked, turning the volume down on the stereo.

Taking a quick glance off the road to look at Louis, Harry offered a smile when he heard the nervousness in his voice to help calm him down. "Yes Lou?"

"Do you think there's going to be a lot of people at the party?"

"Dunno. I don't even know who's hosting the party but taking that the word got all the way across town, I wouldn't be surprised if there were." A soft sigh fell off Louis' lips and when Harry looked over again Louis was nervously fidgeting with the cuff of his jacket as he gazed out the window. "Hey now, don't be nervous, love. I'll be by your side through it all. Consider me your personal bodyguard."

Louis tittered and bit down on his lip. "It's not that. I mean it is, but like- I don't know."

"Can we talk about it?" The words came out hesitant because he knew Louis wasn't one to talk about his feelings. He was getting better at it, but he still didn't express them willingly. "I know you're not always wanting to talk about your problems and worries, but I really want to help you feel as comfortable and safe as I can tonight. I want you to spend your time having fun, not worrying about bad things that could happen."

"I'm just scared. I don't know." He sighed, getting frustrated that he wasn't able to get the right words together to express how he felt.

It wasn't something he was used to, but he wanted to talk to Harry about. He wanted to be able to express himself properly in order to have an efficient friendship. After a few seconds of his brain rattling, the car slowed down at a traffic stop and there was a soft thud against the middle of his thigh. He looked down and Harry's hand was palm up with his fingers slightly curled. His attention flicked to Harry, who only gave him a smile and a nod to his hand. He took his hand, Harry being the first to interlace their fingers. It was weird how that small of an action could calm his nerves down so much.

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