if harry was a rose then louis would be the thorns

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mood: isle of flightless birds- twenty one pilots

Monday, September 17th 6:47 am

Sunday was long and boring for Harry. He spent the whole day in worry, anxiety, and anticipation. Louis might've pinky promised Harry of something beyond anyone's control, but what if promises were just a comforting factor so Harry wouldn't worry? If that's so, not only would pinky promises be completely ruined for Harry, but his biggest fear that night would truly traumatize him. He put his full trust into someone who could easily break it, especially from his state of mind, but praying he wouldn't. Words wouldn't begin to explain how angry he would be at Louis for giving his hopes up, especially after something as serious as a pinky promise.

Throughout the whole day Harry would sneak peaks out his window to see if there was any sign of life from his neighbor in or out of the house. Though he didn't know which room was Louis', he hoped it was the one in the front not only because it'd be a cool way to communicate with him, but for confirmation (he did suspect his room to be in the front because of that one night he was drunk and fell asleep in his yard). Yesterday he saw movement when he glanced out the window, not like he was waiting by it all day because that would just be insane. Before bed, Harry thought one last look wouldn't hurt and when he opened his curtains he saw a small silhouette walking across the room with objects in their hand. Even if Harry didn't know for sure if it was Louis, relief still washed over him and he was able to sleep peacefully, unlike the night before.

Today would be the moment of truth to see whether or not Louis kept his promise (though if he hadn't Harry felt like there would've been a scene yesterday but who knows? The Tomlinson's are quite private.) Harry woke up earlier than he usually does, got ready in no time, and headed out the door to hopefully see his neighbor. When he checked the time on his phone it was only six fifty seven and Louis was nowhere in sight. This was about the time Louis would start heading out so the anxiety, worry, and anticipation flooded his veins again as he slowly made his way across the street. His heart was racing and his palms were beginning to sweat because the truth was about to be revealed in a matter of seconds whether he liked it or not.

Harry really did view Louis as one of his friends even if Louis didn't reciprocate it. To him, Louis was a reason. There was a reason why Louis took out the bin and had a tumble and there was a reason why Harry helped him. There was a reason why every time Harry sees Louis he smiles or anytime he gets Louis to smile those butterflies swarmed in his stomach. There was a reason why Harry moved hours away from his hometown and there was a reason why it was across the street from Louis. So even if Louis didn't view Harry as a friend, Harry knew there was so much more to them than friendship. Whether that be only caring and being there for each other, or having someone to talk to once in a while to have a laugh or a shoulder to cry on. Maybe the purpose of them meeting was merely to acknowledge that there are people in this world who need to be taught how to smile or that there are people who aren't always mean. Or maybe they weren't meant to be friends, and their fate was only to meet and grow from each other's existence.

Several minutes pass and Harry grew more and more anxious with every second. He contemplated on ringing the bell when a small and timid boy appeared behind the swinging door. Relief instantly coursed through his veins, limbs, mind, everything. "What are you smiling at?" Louis questioned taking small steps down his driveway with furrowed brows. His voice seemed... confident? And at ease?

"You're here," Harry sighed, not knowing what to say. He was happy, yeah, but he was also shocked. He knew Louis didn't view him as a friend so it was shocking he kept the promise. Granted, he could've done it for himself or his family and the promise meant nothing, but for Harry it meant everything. Like it's one step closer to becoming Louis' friend.

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