the journey is the only thing they're sure of

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mood: can't take my eyes off you- frankie valli

Wednesday, October 31st 6:57 am

Just like the day before, Harry decided to meet up with Louis in his house before school. The only difference was that he didn't prep any breakfast for him so there was no food for them to eat. Besides, Laura hadn't even made breakfast because Charles had an early morning. She only made herself a bowl of oatmeal since Louis usually didn't have breakfast. Harry did end up making Louis a light lunch of crisps, sliced fruit, and, of course, teddy grahams. Once it was prepped he sat at the dining table, scrolling through his phone as he patiently waited for Louis to come downstairs after he was finished getting ready. But when the clock read a few minutes past seven, Harry furrowed his brows and walked up the stairs to Louis' room. Louis was never this late to leave the house. He was the one always rushing to get the both of them to school because he hated to be late.

His knocks against the wood were soft and his voice was even softer. "Lou?" he asked. He waited patiently for a response but there was no movement heard from behind the door. There was no shuffling, no ruffling, the shower wasn't running, and Harry questioned if Louis was even awake at all. He knocked again, that time a bit harder and his voice louder and firmer. "Kitten? Everything alright in there? We've got to get going to school." Again, he never received a response and worry flooded his veins. Louis probably just overslept but Harry immediately settled for the worst and he barged into the room to see a small lump under the covers of Louis' bed. Walking quickly, he approached the bed and kneeled next to it, relieved to see that he was breathing. "Wake up Lou." His hand gently shook his arm as an attempt to wake his neighbour up.

"Go away Harry," Louis croaked out, his eyes still closed. The grip he had on the comforter tightened as he turned around so his back was towards Harry.

"We have to go to school." Harry stayed where he was and began to rub circles on Louis' back which, in a way, was not the best tactic to get him out of bed since it only made him even more sleepy.

"Don't wanna go." He scooted away from Harry's touch and pulled the covers over his head.

"Is this truancy I'm hearing?" Harry poked Louis all over his back and maybe if Louis had the energy he'd squirm away because he was very ticklish. But he was too exhausted to even think about the fact that Harry was about to tease him. "Is the honour roll, role model student Louis Tomlinson going to skip school because he wants to stay in bed?" Louis sighed pulling the covers tighter around his head. Okay so maybe it wasn't just because he wanted to stay in bed all day. "What's wrong?"

"I've got a bad headache."

"Why's that? The morning just started, what could've possibly caused the headache?"


Harry gasped, dropping his jaw with furrowed brows and his hand clutching the fabric near his heart. "That's quite rude innit?" He saw the small bounce of the blanket from Louis' silent giggle and Harry couldn't stop his smile. "Why does your head hurt?"


Harry pulled the corners of his mouth down and stuck out his bottom lip as he nodded his head. "Compelling, very interesting. But will you elaborate for me? Not that your answer wasn't enough, I think I'm just a lousy pillock."

Louis tried his best not to laugh to not give Harry the satisfaction he was looking for but he couldn't help himself. "I was up all night stressing out and only got a few hours of sleep and my alarm hurt my head and now I'm just nervous and stressing out again."

i'm not the prettiest flower but i'll doDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora