this wasn't to fix something that was broken because louis wasn't broken

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mood: i wanna know you- hannah montana

Friday, October 19th 4:46 pm

School was done for the week and Louis couldn't be happier. He loved learning, but school was hell. The people sucked, some teachers sucked, his life just sucked. When he finally entered his house, he got time to himself to be alone and recover. So he did. He relaxed immediately walking into the door, the warming smell of lavender and vanilla flooding his senses. Yes, Laura did drown the house in scents of lavender and vanilla to help ease Louis' nerves and put him in a better mood and he knew that, but it never worked. Sure, it did the best it could, but oils aren't miracle workers, they can't cure his depression or replace vaccines.

The oils obviously did their job, but it only annoyed him that they were used in the first place. Louis knew when and why his mum started using those scents and she's naive to believe that Louis was oblivious to that fact. The fact that Laura would go to the extent of buying oils to try and better her son rather than doing something as simple as just having to listen to what he had to say when he was younger shows a lot. Maybe if she had the decency to have an ear, Louis would be worlds better than what he was now. The same goes for Charles for enabling her usage of essential oils rather than verbal communication.

Since Tuesday him and Harry haven't really said much. Things were a bit awkward at first and honestly Harry was still a bit upset over it all and Louis could sense that. He was a tad standoffish whenever they were around each other for the first two days and didn't have much to say like he usually did. So to fill the empty space, Louis attempted to make conversation which that in itself was a disaster, but he tried and that's all that mattered to Harry. That's the only reason why he was willing to talk; because if Louis wasn't going to try, there wasn't a point. That friendship was no longer going to be one sided. Both ends we're going to try or else there will just be silence.

But Harry was still angry over the fact that Louis was going to let him leave. After all they've been through, Louis was going to let him go, and he did. It was only for a few hours but even still. After having taken delicate care of him that previous weekend because he was a wreck and meeting up with him at Regents because he's never been and walking with him to school every day so he wouldn't be lonely, Louis didn't stop him from walking out those doors. But at the same time, he tried to understand where Louis was coming from— how powerless and hopeless he felt. It had been a while since he had a friend like Harry so the whole 'fighting to keep a relationship' thing was something foreign to him.

They haven't talked about that day since it happened. Harry hadn't mentioned the note Louis slipped in his bag, that is, if he read it, and Louis didn't mention how guilty and sorry he was for being selfish. They left it in the past but it felt like an elephant in the room whenever they were together even if it wasn't that big of a deal. That may be partially why things have been awkward between the pair. Both wanted to talk about it, but neither had the guts to or was waiting for the other to bring it up. But by this morning everything was strangely fine. Harry was cheery and his annoying self again and Louis was still the stubborn but soft person he was.

When walking through his house, he spotted a bouquet of sunflowers resting on the table which was considerably out of the norm. Especially because no one was home, and no one had been home all day so how did those flowers end up inside his house and who were they for? He walked into the kitchen and luckily there was a note with his name on it? If this was another one of Harry's grand gestures, this had to be the last straw. As kind as it was, Harry managed to get into his house? Now things were getting pretty weird. But upon further inspection, the handwriting wasn't his. It was much girlier and wasn't the cursive that Harry usually wrote in. Before reading the small card, he scanned for a name and saw Monet?

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