like a guardian angel, fighting away the demons

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mood: sunday best- surfaces

Sunday, October 21st 10:14 am

[Harry]: good morning kitten (:

[Louis]: You texted yourself from my phone?

[Harry]: well i'm sure you weren't going to give me your number if i asked
[Harry]: what if you're in danger or need an emergency rescue, how are you going to contact me?

[Louis]: I won't. I'd call 999.

[Harry]: seriously? before calling me? ):

[Louis]: Yes Harry.
[Louis]: How is that even in question?

[Harry]: i want a nickname, i gave you one ):

[Louis]: Error.


[Louis]: That's going to be your contact name.

[Harry]: nooo, do that and... okay i don't know what, but i'm going to figure something out

[Louis]: Trust me, I'm not scared.

[Harry]: what's got you all brave now? was that hug really that life changing?

[Louis]: I wouldn't say that.

[Harry]: why do you always reject me ):

[Louis]: Why do you always nag?

[Harry]: ö
[Harry]: louis

[Louis]: Harry.

[Harry]: why do you always bully me

[Louis]: I just like to see your reaction monsieur, no hard feelings.

[Harry]: ugh
[Harry]: what're you doing today

[Louis]: Why?

[Harry]: just trying to make conversation kitty

[Louis]: Oh, well I'm not so sure how to do that.

[Harry]: i can tell boi. but that's okay, we can work on that

[Louis]: Yeah but
[Louis]: I don't know.

[Harry]: hey, you're getting better at the face to face conversations so texting will be a breeze. give yourself some credit

[Louis]: I just don't know what to say.

[Harry]: say anything

[Louis]: What if you don't care what I have to say?

[Harry]: don't say that, of course i'll care and you know it. i want to know everything that goes through that encephalon of yours

[Louis]: Encephalon.

[Harry]: i did that just for you (;
[Harry]: i know you liked that

[Louis]: Maybe a little.
[Louis]: You googled it didn't you?

[Harry]: do you not have faith in the capacity of my knowledge monsieur?

[Louis]: Well I never said that.

[Harry]: but you insinuated it

[Louis]: You're smart in an unconventional way.

[Harry]: what's that supposed to mean mr tomlinson?

[Louis]: You're not entirely book smart, and that's fine. And I wouldn't really say you're street smart either, but you're very wise for your age.

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