or he was conquered by a greater force: benevolence

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mood: here comes the sun- the beatles

Friday, September 21th 7:46 pm

At long last it was Friday and Louis could finally relax. He didn't see much of Harry this past week. In the mornings he'd be picked up by one of his friends for an early morning workout, or at least that's what he was told when Harry was out of breath with sweat dripping down his body or when he was freshly showered in the mornings. Not a day went by that Harry wouldn't explain to Louis about his whereabouts that morning. It was with the best intentions and it's not like Louis didn't care, but he didn't think it was that serious. The truth is him and Harry still aren't friends so he didn't understand why his need to express why he couldn't walk to school with him those mornings were important.

It was as though ever since Saturday something shifted in Harry. Yeah he's always been persistent and a pest, but it's only doubled since then. There was one day he'd find Louis in the halls for a quick chat before class or wait by their lockers when he knew Louis was going to be there because he wanted to talk. Other than that day, there was barely a sight of him. Maybe a few of him passing by with Monet or his friends but that was the extent of it. No interactions, no glances, no smiles, nothing.

When Louis would walk home Harry never bothered him, usually riding with a friend or staying behind for another workout. Louis never minded, in fact he preferred it this way. It was like his life was slowly returning back to normal. Harry was distancing himself more and Louis actually found alone time to think and let his mind be free— which may or may not be a good thing. Maybe he could live on this way, how his life was before Harry moved here but having knowledge that he is here and willing to listen. Maybe when his emotions become unbearable he'd ring the curly boy and have a conversation and that'll be the extent of their relations with one another and maybe Louis didn't think that sounded so bad.

But then again, this is Harry. The boy who hasn't given up since day one despite the lack of interest from the opposing party. The boy who didn't leave after Louis' multiple breakdowns. Someone who cared for Louis when he wasn't doing well and cared to listen to what he had to say. Somebody who continually put effort into a relationship that doesn't exist. There was just no way he was going to let the possibility of this friendship slip away. Harry wasn't going anywhere anytime soon and Louis knew that.

Louis' parents were upstairs while he sat on the living room couch doing his homework with a movie playing in the background. Whilst working, he gave occasional glances up at the screen for a few seconds only to go back to doing his homework. Louis wore loose black sweats, a grey puma jumper, grey beanie, and maroon socks. He sat with his feet on the couch, knees close to his chest with his homework resting on them.

He was halfway through his homework when the bell chimed through the house. Setting his homework on the coffee table, he got up to open the door. He heard his parents' movement from upstairs to get the door because they knew Louis didn't like to open it. But he yelled, "I got it," since he was closer and from the simple fact that they don't get many visitors so it couldn't be anything too bad, right? Walking up the few steps needed to get to the front door from the living room, he opened the door and was met with a bright, dimpled smile.

"Hiya Louis," Harry smiled. He wore a light brown jumper, black jeans, and brown boots, his backpack slung off of one shoulder. "Well isn't someone cute cute with their glasses?" Well it could be worse, like a murderer or those pesky salesman who try to sell you useless crap.

Louis blushed twiddling with his fingers. "Wh-what are you doing here?" he asked  in disbelief and confusion. It was a Friday night and didn't the popular kids usually go out and hang with each other? And out of all places Harry was standing at his doorstep. "I'm sure you're aware but this isn't your home."

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