it looked and smelled very homey but it didn't feel like a home

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mood: fireflies- owl city

Saturday, October 20th 12:38 pm

When Harry woke up, Louis was still curled up in his lap, even more so than the night before. His head was by Harry's knee and his whole torso laid on his lap with his back pressed against his stomach. The sight, to anyone, would have them completely enamoured. When Harry compared Louis to a kitten, it was a lighthearted joke. Yeah, his hair was fluffy and he was tiny and lovable in every way possible, but spending more and more time with Louis only made that comparison even more noticeable.

Over the years, Harry would always wake up multiple times during the night. It wasn't that he had trouble sleeping, but when he was uncomfortable he just couldn't sleep. Like last night, he woke multiple times because sleeping in an upright position wasn't the most comfortable. Every time he woke up, he'd glance down to his lap and gawk at the tiny tiny boy on his lap. The faint noises he'd make along with the occasional furrow of his brows was incredibly endearing. Or whenever he'd rub his face along the fabric of Harry's sweats like he was trying to get more comfortable or wanting to feel that someone was there.

The second time Harry woke up Louis was twitching, fidgeting, and whimpering like he was having a nightmare. And Harry wanted to wake Louis up however, there were many things holding him back such as something as simple as he didn't want Louis to scour away and close up on himself. He didn't want Louis to suffer for the time being in his dream, but he also didn't want to be pushed away. So instead, he attempted to comfort him by continuing to run one hand through his hair and the other rubbing on his arm and eventually the jerking and trembling surprisingly stopped.

But it wasn't long until Louis woke up and quickly removed himself from Harry's lap, profusely apologizing for falling asleep on him even when Harry said he didn't care. That, of course, was after he sprinted upstairs to brush his teeth because he refused to speak to anyone with morning breath, but, again, Harry didn't care. When he came back down, he brought Harry a spare tooth brush and toothpaste so he too could freshen up as well. After that, breakfast went pretty smoothly. They only ate a bowl of oatmeal with a few fruits garnishing the top upon Harry's request because, "breakfast is the most important meal of the day and you just can't soil it by filling your system with junk."

Since breakfast finished, Louis washed the dishes while Harry cleaned up the mess from last night, throwing out leftover popcorn and snacks and giving the bowls to Louis to wash up. He helped dry and put away the dishes which Louis deemed unnecessary but Harry insisted because he hated dishes being left in the sink. Once everything was clean, the boys decided to continue watching films (without the snacks) and stay snuggled under the blankets. And it helped that it was very gloomy outside so there weren't any annoying streams of light poking in and intruding their dark atmosphere.

The telly in the living room was playing The Shining. Harry put it in against Louis' will saying it wasn't that bad but Louis hated scary films, "especially that 'here's Johnny' guy." But he kept assuring him that he'd be fine and if Louis ever got spooked, he would be there to comfort him. And of course, Louis declined the offer and sat further away from Harry when the film started, a few throw pillows sitting in between them and then some. Harry rolled his eyes at the childishness but knew that he'd end up shivering on his lap by the end of the film, but Louis swore he wouldn't.

Now, there they were an hour and a half later and the pillows were moved and placed on the other side of the couch and a few scattered on the floor so Louis could be pressed against Harry's side. His legs were pulled to his chest with his face hiding behind his knees and Harry's fingers brushing at the nape of his neck to try to soothe his uneasiness. His glasses kept sliding down his nose, but he didn't care because the less he could see the better. Occasionally Harry would push them up whenever he saw they got too low. Every time he would feel Louis' body tense from a jump scare or what you have it, he'd look over and ask if he was okay and move his hand down to rub circles around his back to ease the tension. And every time Louis would nod even though he was dying inside. There were even times where Harry would kiss and rest his head on top of Louis' and say, "don't be scared Lou, I'm right here." What? He's a fragile boy.

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