he looks at you the way mummy looks at daddy

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mood: chivalry is dead- trevor wesley

Tuesday, November 6th 7:13 am

Saturday morning when the two boys woke, they were untangled but their backs were pressed against each other's with one of Harry's legs squeezed between both of Louis'. As always, Louis raced to the bathroom to freshen up which made Harry laugh because that boy was absolutely ridiculous. He didn't care for morning breath or eye crust or maybe even drool stains because that was just human nature. When he returned to the room with a damp and reddened face from washing, he laid next to Harry with a smile. Harry offered to make Louis breakfast but Louis told him that his mum was making food— he smelled something sweet when going to the bathroom. They walked to the kitchen together after Harry too brushed his teeth and, again, offered to make Louis breakfast when seeing, and smelling, his mum making strawberry pancakes. Sure, Louis might like strawberries, but the pancake part was where Harry was hesitant. The sweet syrup and powdered sugar and all.

Louis said it was fine and that he'd eat what his mum made, not wanting to upset her. Besides, he didn't think pancakes were all that bad. Syrup was sweet, but you don't need tons. The three of them chatted about small littles things, mainly Millie asking Louis questions to get to know him better. She was careful not to ask anything triggering, but whenever she did Harry was quick to intervene. And although Louis did appreciate it, he could hold his own. He didn't always need someone to speak for him or protect him. Some topics were sensitive, yes, but he was starting to feel more comfortable in the Styles' household. But other than that the morning went fine. The two boys hung out for a bit before Louis returned home and even then they texted all day and night and Harry ended up coming over to hang out for a few hours.

Now, on a Tuesday morning the two boys were doing just fine. They were doing great and these were times where Harry would forget that Louis used to be so timid. "You're late," was the first thing Louis heard when he stepped out of his house. The unexpected voice startled him but when he looked over to see Harry sitting on his usual chair with his legs crossed and a smile on his face, how could he not smile?

"Hi Curly," Louis smiled and offered Harry a hug when he stood up.

"What took so long?" Harry pulled away and allowed Louis down the stairs first before he stepped down.

"I woke up late."

"And what's late for you monsieur?"

"I woke up at six forty five."

"Ungodly. Wanna know what time I wake up?"

"Probably like seven and then you leave three minutes after waking up."

"Ding, ding, ding! But I do wake up early to have a shower if I'm wanting to impress you." Harry looked down to see how Louis would react. That was kind of the first time he admitted to wanting Louis to like him and he wasn't sure how he'd feel about it.

His face flushed pink as he shook his head, looking to the ground. "Shut up," he whispered.

"Like this morning. Washed my pits and everything."

"Wow, I'm so flattered." Louis rolled his eyes and looked at Harry, eyeing his outfit with a curious look. "You're trying to impress me with that outfit?"

"Hey, what's wrong with my outfit?"

"Nothing," Louis laughed, gripping onto the straps of his backpack. "Your shirt's actually pretty cool." Harry wore a plain white t-shirt with a bunch of hands on them, some holding cigarettes, others in different hand gestures.

"Yeah thanks. My sister got this for me a couple months back before she left for uni."

"Nice parting gift I assume."

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