i think we just got married my love

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mood: unconditionally- katy perry

Thursday, November 1st 9:43 am

The next morning was something neither boy expected.

They happened to spend the night over at the snooty rich kid's house as did many other people. The kid whom they've never met nor learned the name of. Harry didn't want either one of them to drive since they both had many drinks the night before and it was a good thing school was cancelled the day after Halloween. The headmaster didn't want to deal with hungover students or half the student body not even showing up. It was easier to just cancel school than be bombarded with phone calls of students being 'sick'. It was a bummer they had one of those national holidays in school but Halloween was a blast unlike summer bank holiday.

For Louis, he slept absolutely wonderfully— like a god damn baby. He thought he would stay up all night thinking about and inevitably regretting the activities they engaged in, but he fell asleep almost instantaneously when laying on Harry's chest. The mixture of warmth, arms wrapped securely around him, having something to hold, and the comforting scent of flowers mixed with a faint bit of alcohol put him to sleep. The alcohol was a tad off putting at first but it soon turned into something unexplainably comforting. Which would explain why he shifted upwards in his sleep to press his face into Harry's neck for that skin on skin warmth but also because Harry dribbled his drink a few times and it slipped down his neck leaving his skin reeling of alcohol.

For the past few weeks Louis hadn't really dreamt much of anything. If he did happen to remember anything, they were vague scenarios that were put together by random pieces. Before that he'd have horrifying reoccurring nightmares of memories from his past that he never wanted to remember. There were nights where he wouldn't sleep just to avoid dreaming. Because of his rocky relationship with sleep it was a shock how quickly he fell asleep and how he never woke up within the wee hours of the night.

Harry on the other hand had troubles sleeping. He was the one to go in and out of sleep quite often when he was the one who could sleep through anything. In times of slumber he'd dream about Louis and in times of consciousness, he'd think about Louis. There was literally no escape. Did he always think about Louis? Yes, but this time was different. He was thinking of him differently and he didn't want to think of him like that. Don't get him wrong Louis felt nice and just absolutely perfect in his arms and the way he dug his face in the crook of his neck sent shivers down his spine and the soft little snores were just to die for but he didn't understand anything. He tried to comprehend why and how he got into this situation with Louis and how and why he didn't mind it all that much but it was hard to think when he could just glance down to his chest and melt from the sight of a fluffy haired boy looking so peaceful.

He wanted a non biased environment to think. Being with Louis only clouded his mind and he got nothing out of it. It was strange and sort of contradicting how Louis would distract Harry from his thoughts of him, but he did. Whenever he got to a point where nothing made any sense— and boy did that happen so often— he'd look down to the fragile boy laying soundly asleep on top of him and smiled. Sometimes he'd kiss the top of his head and rub his palm over his back and whenever he did Louis would respond with a hum and snuggle closer to the curly lad and that made things even more confusing for him. Because he liked the feeling but he wasn't exactly sure why he liked it.

The obvious reason would be that he liked Louis as more than a friend, but was that really it? Or did he just miss the feeling of being held? All his life he liked girls, never had a second thought about it and there shouldn't be any reason to question it now, but he really did think Louis was beautiful. How couldn't he? Louis was tiny and precious and kind and fragile but so so pretty it was honestly ridiculous. His past is still something Harry was uncertain of but he knew it was immensely dark and traumatising for him to act the way he did but even still he remained so god damn bodacious.

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