the war between us will be over but the war within yourself has just multiplied

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mood: miracle- joey dija

Saturday, October 27th 9:43 am

The morning was chilly but not unbearably cold. There was a gentle breeze blowing through the air making Harry tighten the blanket around his body and curl into himself for extra warmth. Throughout the night Louis kept tossing and turning from being uncomfortable from the hard ground and cold air. The crickets were exceptionally loud, at least that's what Louis would say. They kept him up all night and were the most annoying accompaniment to his thoughts. The moonlight seemed to be like the replica of the sun and he couldn't understand why it was so damn bright. Somehow, Louis managed to escape Harry's tight embrace but with his constant tossing around and whines, it prohibited Harry from peaceful slumber. So in an attempt to get him to calm the fuck down, he'd stretch out his arms and pull Louis close, kiss the top of his head, and whisper comforting words in his hair which usually worked until Louis would find himself uncomfortable and separate the two of them. And that went on all night.

Harry was wrapped up in both blankets, laying on the slightly dewy grass. The ground beneath him was starting to warm up from the sun's warm rays. Finally he was able to find some sense of warmth throughout the night because seriously, whose idea was it to sleep outside at the end of October? Despite being filled with warmth, as he stirred awake he felt cold, like something was missing. He squinted his eyes open, the sun shining bright right into them. Turning over, he realised that he was alone in a big, empty backyard. He was pretty sure he fell asleep with Louis by his side because this definitely was not his backyard and that house for sure looked like Louis'.

"Lou?" he called out looking around the yard to try and spot him. As he sat up he scanned the yard closely and didn't see anything out of the norm except the blankets and himself. The lights on the posts above him were turned off and the only other life other than Harry were the plants that were on the cusp of death. He was sure it wasn't a dream but the box of pizza and bottles of beer were gone and there was no sign of Louis. But if it was just a dream then how did he end up in Louis' backyard? He stood up to fold the blankets and confirmed that Louis indeed did sleep next to him last night when he saw a patch of flattened grass next to his own.

Once folded, Harry knocked on the sliding back door creating a loud, echoing sound. Louis' mum was in the living room so thankfully he was let into the house and was welcomed in with a warm smile. "Harry, you're awake," she said when the door was opened.

"Good morning Laura, how's the morning been treating you?" He followed her to the living and sat on the couch perpendicular to the one he and Louis usually sat at. "Good morning Charles," he greeted when seeing Louis' dad.

The only acknowledgment Charles gave Harry was a slight peak from his paper and a small smile before returning back to his paper. "It's been alright? How's your back?" she laughed.

"It's alright as well, not as bad as you'd think. I'm, uh, I'm going to put these in Louis' room if that's alright."

"Sure thing," Laura smiled and looked to the TV that quietly played The Wedding Planner. Harry walked up the steps and expected to see Louis when he entered the room but yet again, he was met with nothing but a quiet, empty space.

Setting the folded blankets on the bed, Harry walked towards the bathroom and softly knocked on it. "Louis?" His knocks pushed the door open, evidently showing that Louis wasn't in there. Confused, he walked back down the stairs heading straight to the living room. "Where's Louis?"

"Oh shoot, I forgot," Laura said standing up from the couch to walk towards the kitchen. She grabbed an envelope off the counter and handed it to the curly haired boy. "He went out to visit his nan this morning. He gave me this and wanted me to give it to you and say that he's sorry for last night? And he said to not read it until you've gone home and had a shower." She laughed and shook her head. "Oddly specific."

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