fluffy hair and stormy eyes, i wonder how many were lies

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mood: party rock anthem- lmfao

Saturday, September 8th 11:14 am

It was a normal time for Harry to wake up on a weekend. He was never able to wake up early, at all, on any day. Mornings were just not his thing and he was fine with that. What good comes out of mornings anyway? You wake up and then what? No one's ever free until the afternoon so why wake up early when no one else is awake or available? But Harry was awake laying in bed, staring blankly at the ceiling wishing it was night time already, that's where he thrived. There was also a party at Zayn's tonight, so that's always fun (he hoped).

It'd be the first party he'd attend that school year and in a new town. Harry's been to parties before, many of them, but this will be the first where he would know next to no one. He's always been a popular guy, even at his old school, but just because everyone knew him didn't necessarily mean he knew everyone. How fun could a party be when you don't know anyone and you're brand new girlfriend of a few weeks would be the only thing interesting? Nonetheless he agreed to go, after all Zayn was his friend and it'd be a good place to make friends so why not?

Harry wasn't one to overthink anything but he's new and didn't know how people partied around here. He had to be in a mood to party hard and go crazy and today he just felt like chilling. His mind wandered from what the party would be like to how it might go with hanging out with his new friends and if he'd make some more. Would his friends really stick by him the whole time? They've got plenty of other friends while Harry had maybe three? And could a high school party really be that great? I mean, sure, he's been to wicked parties in the past where he didn't know where he was when he woke up, but all his friends were insanely rich and bought anything and everything to make the parties as fun as possible. No one around here seemed crazy rich though, not that it was a problem, but that's all he knew. Crazy outrageous parties that were over the top for no reason. Without all of that how could it be fun?

And then his mind stumbled upon a very new yet familiar set of dull blue eyes. It was quite astounding to him often his mind wandered to his tiny neighbor because it was quite often. There was just something about him that intrigued Harry and he didn't know what it was. He's never wanted to be someone's friend so bad and he wondered why it was with someone who had no interest in being his friend. Maybe that's what it was. Everyone practically fell at Harry's feet the second he walked into that school except Louis. And maybe Harry thought that since Louis was playing hard to get that if they were to miraculously become friends, it'd be a true friendship. Not like everyone else who drooled over him and wanted to be his friend for popularity since he skyrocketed to the top of the social pyramid being the new kid and all. Maybe it was also because he genuinely thought Louis needed and deserved a friend. It's never fun to be alone all the time, it gets tiring.

A soft knock and the sound of his door creaking snapped him out of his thoughts and back into reality. "Hi love," Monet's soft voice matched the placidity in Harry's room. He frantically made sure his body was covered by his blanket because he did sleep naked. "Didn't mean to barge in, but your mum invited me inside. Said to wake you up if you weren't already."

They both laughed as Harry sat up, leaning against his wall and moving a pillow onto his lap. "Of course she did." He rolled his eyes and invited her to have a seat on his bed.

"I uh, I didn't know you slept naked?" She didn't want to assume but it was also pretty obvious by the way he freaked.

"Oh yeah, full nude. Wasn't expecting any company, hope I didn't slip." Monet laughed and shook her head.

"You didn't, or maybe I just didn't see anything because," she drifted off with a playful smirk on her lips.

Harry threw a pillow at her head laughing. "Shut up." It was all fun and games, neither took it too seriously and that's what Harry loved. Monet was always so easy going and all in all a very chill person.

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