but unlike the brain, louis felt useless to human existence

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mood: i won't let go- rascal flatts

Tuesday, October 16th 6:30 am

Since the moment they met it was like Louis could never get a break. Throughout all hours of the day his phone would ding and ring and vibrate in his pocket or on the table, wherever. He'd be in the shower and hear his phone vibrate on the surface of the sink. He'd be woken up in the middle of the night from the loud ding or vibration of a pestering notification from an even more pestering Harry Styles. The both of them would be in class and Harry would tag him in things on Twitter and Instagram, flooding his dm's with questions and just plain statements about anything and everything. Harry had not given up.

Granted, their previous endeavors possibly gave him the impression that they were friends, but they're not. They never will be. There were no hard feelings and Louis wasn't entirely opposed to the idea of a friendship, but everyone around them wouldn't like the friendship so why even try? What's the point in pursuing something if all that's going to happen is even more hate?

Yes, it seemed like what Louis was doing was essentially leading Harry on to believe there was going to be a blossoming friendship between the two of them, but Harry shouldn't be so naive, Louis thought. He'd reject him then confide in him, reject him then go to Regents Park with him, reject him then go running to his house in tears, begging to be taken care of. It wasn't a game, and he didn't think of it as so, but at this point it's like Louis was intentionally messing with Harry with the constant on and off, only liking his presence when it's beneficial for him. But still, none of that mattered because Harry hadn't given up yet. Even when Louis gave him the cold shoulder the day before.

Louis left without him for school that morning for a multitude of reasons. One being that after coming back from the high that disassociation gave him, he released what a fool he made out of himself that past weekend. How embarrassing was it that he quite literally came running to Harry crying and on top of that had a minor episode and then another? How could he ever face such a beautiful boy ever again after exposing part of his dark side? The next reason goes along with the first in that he simply couldn't face Harry probably ever again. Not only had he cried, but he selfishly clung to Harry's body, not taking into consideration how he felt about it all. He fell asleep in his bed on his lap, and continued to take time out of his night when he so clearly could've spent it with his dear friend Niall.

Because Louis felt this way, he just knew Harry had too as well. Taking that he insensitively invaded his privacy and took his time away from his friend and schoolwork. But even still, the previous day Harry only mentioned being left alone and having to do that walk of shame to school. Never once did he mention their weekend engagement, probably because he knew Louis was embarrassed, or so Louis thought. Or maybe he simply just didn't mind. And so that's why he continued to bombard Louis with messages and notifications from tagging him in the most ridiculous posts.

Twitter- @harrystyles: hi lou, it shows you haven't opened or even followed me back. i guess i'm a little hurt but that's okay. ):

@harrystyles: what's your favorite flower? asking for a friend.

Instagram- @harrystyles: looouuuu, c'mon, follow me back!!! what's your deal? i'm trying to send you cute kitty pics ));

@harrystyles: what's your favorite movie besides grease (; asking for a friend.

Despite him never having the guts to admit it, all of Harry's gestures made Louis feel something. He wasn't really sure what, but it was something. And it wasn't a bad feeling. He wanted to give in and allow Harry to be his friend, but he continued to embarrass himself in front of him time and time again and he couldn't fathom the thought of being rejected by Harry so instead he took control of the situation and distanced himself.

i'm not the prettiest flower but i'll doUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum