fresh strawberries cut in perfect halves and chocolate chip teddy grahams

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mood: float on: modest mouse

Tuesday, October 30th 6:41 am

There was never a time in his recent years where Louis woke up feeling so refreshed, not even when he slept for hours and hours just a few days ago. His eyes didn't feel as heavy and it was easier to roll out of bed compared to other mornings. Everything felt light. He felt like a huge weight had been lifted and what that weight was, he didn't know but he knew it had to do with Harry by the way he rushed to get ready just to see him. It had been a very, very long time where Louis actually missed someone (besides Emily) and was so eager and excited to see someone. He quickly hopped out of bed and rushed his shower just to throw on the first thing he found, not caring if it matched or not. Louis wanted to speed down the stairs, growing some balls and thought about knocking on Harry's door. Harry said friendships are two way and this was going to be his way of showing that he's in it.

That was until a familiar voice knocked him out his thoughts as he opened his bedroom door. The voice echoed in the kitchen and reverberated through the empty home, tickling his eardrums in the process causing him to smile. But as he entered the kitchen he was sure to wipe it off his face, not wanting anyone to know how excited he was. "Harry?" Louis questioned with furrowed brows, appearing from the empty doorway.

When Louis entered the room Harry lit up, his smile wide and bright. "Good morning Lou," Harry greeted, "why don't you join us?" As if his life couldn't get anymore confusing. Harry's been in his house before but never this early really. Usually when Harry would be over it'd be after school so to see him in his kitchen eating breakfast with his parents was definitely different. Laura was having a chat as usual and his dad wasn't too distracted by the morning paper?

"Um, what are you doing here?" Louis whispered as he neared the table. He stood in front of Harry and almost immediately Harry reached out, grabbing Louis' fingers, stroking his thumb across his knuckles.

"Come sit with us, we can talk about it later yeah?" Harry spoke equally as soft, pulling the chair out next to him for Louis to sit. He hesitantly sat down next to the taller boy seeing there was already a plate of food waiting for him.

"Don't be too blunt about breakfast, Harry made it for you," Laura spoke carefully, not wanting to upset her son. Everyone was on edge about the whole situation, especially Harry. In no way was he trying to overstep any boundaries and he hoped Louis didn't think he was. But if he did, Harry could see how since he was having breakfast with Louis' parents without him and he made him a plate of food which was risky in itself.

Harry woke up early, like painstakingly early, to come over and prepare breakfast for Louis. After coming to the conclusion that Louis most likely wasn't eating enough, he decided that maybe if it was only once, he'd make Louis breakfast just to make sure he was getting the nutrition he needed for that day. He showed up when Louis was in the shower and asked if he could help Laura with breakfast. Of course she was not going to turn down that offer so she happily let him in. The only thing she was hesitant on was him making food for Louis. Louis wasn't a huge fan of breakfast foods, that was usually why he skipped it and took a cereal bar or apple instead.

Louis grabbed the fork and pushed the food around the plate. "You made this?" There was a lot of tension and anticipation filling the room because Louis never gave a reaction to how he felt. There was a blank expression and no one knew how to react to that. Looking down at the plate Louis almost wanted to laugh. It wasn't hard to tell that Harry made his breakfast because his parents wouldn't be that dorky.

The corner of Harry's lips quirked up in a small smile as he nodded his head. "How'd you know?" he chuckled, taking glances from the plate to Louis.

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